More info on my last project

Hey man, sounds great. I'd definitely like to hear some details of the recording if you get a chance.

BTW - You planning on going to the Division gig at Jaxx for the Odin's Court DVD shoot?
silverwulf said:
Hey man, sounds great. I'd definitely like to hear some details of the recording if you get a chance.

BTW - You planning on going to the Division gig at Jaxx for the Odin's Court DVD shoot?

Thanks - the promos are out, but the band has not recieved any reviews yet. In what details are you ineterested?

I'm not going to be at the Division show - I'll be in Jamacia that week :)
Matt Crooks said:
Thanks - the promos are out, but the band has not recieved any reviews yet. In what details are you ineterested?

I'm not going to be at the Division show - I'll be in Jamacia that week :)

Just the usual stuff...curious to know the basic recording chain for things. You don't have to go into great detail.

Jamacia? Lucky bastard...:cool:

OH: KM184 -> Avalon 2022
Kick: D112 -> Avalon 737
Snare: SM57 -> Avalon 737
Toms: MD421s -> Neve 1272

Dist DI: Sans Amp -> Avalon 737
Clean DI: Avalon U5

Rhythm Guitars:
Jackson CS RR w/ EMG 81 -> Strobostomp -> AnalogMan TS -> Mesa RK or 5150 -> Marshall 4x12 w/ v30s -> Royer 122 -> Avalon 2022

Lead Guitars:
Lots of guitars (Les Paul, Soloist, Jacksons, etc.) Amps were Mesa RK, Soldano Hot Rod & Engl Powerball. Same cab and mic most of the time, though some leads went through the 1272 pre.

Nuemann 147 -> Avalon 2022 -> Avalon 737 (compression only)

All conversion was through a Rosetta 800, big ben clock.

Tracking was done on the old Mackie HDR/d8b rig. Mixing was done in PT HD.

All recorded at 44.1/24.

Hope that helps...
Thanks for the info. I see you have the Analogman TS. I spoke with Mike (Blevins) before the Nevermore gig at Jaxx that was canceled, and he was mentioning really liking the Analogman TS. I think he was about to get a Keeley modded wah, too. How do you like that TS vs. the standard one?
silverwulf said:
Thanks for the info. I see you have the Analogman TS. I spoke with Mike (Blevins) before the Nevermore gig at Jaxx that was canceled, and he was mentioning really liking the Analogman TS. I think he was about to get a Keeley modded wah, too. How do you like that TS vs. the standard one?

Never used a standard one, so I can't say.
Matt Crooks said:

OH: KM184 -> Avalon 2022
Kick: D112 -> Avalon 737
Snare: SM57 -> Avalon 737
Toms: MD421s -> Neve 1272

Dist DI: Sans Amp -> Avalon 737
Clean DI: Avalon U5

Rhythm Guitars:
Jackson CS RR w/ EMG 81 -> Strobostomp -> AnalogMan TS -> Mesa RK or 5150 -> Marshall 4x12 w/ v30s -> Royer 122 -> Avalon 2022

Lead Guitars:
Lots of guitars (Les Paul, Soloist, Jacksons, etc.) Amps were Mesa RK, Soldano Hot Rod & Engl Powerball. Same cab and mic most of the time, though some leads went through the 1272 pre.

Nuemann 147 -> Avalon 2022 -> Avalon 737 (compression only)

All conversion was through a Rosetta 800, big ben clock.

Tracking was done on the old Mackie HDR/d8b rig. Mixing was done in PT HD.

All recorded at 44.1/24.

Hope that helps...

You have some interesting signal chains going on there. Were those real 1272's or the Vintech's? I'm wondering why you'd use the best pre's that you have on toms instead of on kick and snare, because the 1272's sound so huge. I'm also curious as to why you'd use a 2022 in front of the 737 for vox instead of just straight 737, at least for a little variation. Also, why the 737 after the Sansamp? I'm guessing that you prefer the sound of the 2022 pre's over the 737, and the studio didn't have much of a choice for compressors. At least one 1176 is a necessity in a pro studio, as far as I'm concerned.

I personally despise the sound of the 2022's. Very sterile and ultra bright to my ears. I have always been a big fan of the 737's for vox - tubes usually beat transistors for me (except for the 1073). My ultimate signal chain for vox is U67 -> 1073 -> 1176. I love that Avalon D/I for bass! The pots are a little (or a lot) noisy, though. Once you jiggle the knobs a bit it gets a pretty sweet tone.

Are you going to the High On Fire show tomorrow at Ottobar?
metalkingdom said:
You have some interesting signal chains going on there. Were those real 1272's or the Vintech's? I'm wondering why you'd use the best pre's that you have on toms instead of on kick and snare, because the 1272's sound so huge. I'm also curious as to why you'd use a 2022 in front of the 737 for vox instead of just straight 737, at least for a little variation. Also, why the 737 after the Sansamp? I'm guessing that you prefer the sound of the 2022 pre's over the 737, and the studio didn't have much of a choice for compressors. At least one 1176 is a necessity in a pro studio, as far as I'm concerned.

I personally despise the sound of the 2022's. Very sterile and ultra bright to my ears. I have always been a big fan of the 737's for vox - tubes usually beat transistors for me (except for the 1073). My ultimate signal chain for vox is U67 -> 1073 -> 1176. I love that Avalon D/I for bass! The pots are a little (or a lot) noisy, though. Once you jiggle the knobs a bit it gets a pretty sweet tone.

Are you going to the High On Fire show tomorrow at Ottobar?

The 1272s are real Neves, not vintech. I personally really like the 2022, and on OHs it has worked well for me. For the Kick and Snare - the 737s sound really nice and let me compress a bit going to tape. I guess the other reason I used the Neves on the toms is so that all 4 toms would have the same signal path, something I do out of habit, thinking it will make mixing the toms easier.

I normally use the 737 straight for vocals, but this singer had so much grit in his voice that the cleaner pre worked better on his voice. Plus the tubes in the mic and compressor help to round it out a bit.

For the guitars, I A/Bd the Neves to the 2022, everyone in the room liked the 2022 better.

On the bass - the 737 after the sans amp was to give it a little squeeze. That track was really distorted and compressed - it was mixed low just to give some girth to the bass... the majority of the bass was from the U5. I got the U5 right before these sessions, and I am quite impressed.

As far as compressors... I own two 737s and that's it. I'm building as I go, but I have a fair number of good plugins, so I make do with what I have. A distressor and another compressor (Maybe Avalon, maybe 1176) is on the list of things to buy, but I just added a Dangerous Monitor ST, and an Apogee AD-16x, so I'm cash poor for a little while.

Since I don't know where the Ottobar is... it's safe to say I won't be there tomorrow :D