My top 30 Heavy Metal albums of 2003!


Heavy Metal Maniac
Sep 29, 2002
Union, NJ, USA
Ok, the time has come for me to post my top 30 heavy metal albums of the year. Of course I don't have every single album that came out this year but remember I am not into all sorts of metal including alot of death metal (though I am into some) and nu metal which isnt metal anyway. Before I get to it.. I did not get around to picking up "Recreation Day" by Evergrey or "Scent Of Human Desire" by Secret Sphere which I have read great reviews on and several other albums as well. It is hard to get around to every single thing you'd like to in one year but this top 30 is based on albums that I own and bought this year. I was originally gonna do a top 20 but I liked alot of the albums this year and just basically said the albums I would have had 21-30 deserve to be mentioned. There were more than 30 for me to choose from as well which shows that some couldnt make it. My favorite types of metal are traditional, power, thrash and (some) black which will influence the way my countdown is. Anyway, here it is, enjoy!


- One of Germany's finest have put out album of the year for me. This album just kills from beginning to end and is a very epic release. The album is inspired by The Ring Of The Nibelungs by Richard Wagner. The opening intro "The Ring" sets the mood for the album and is a perfect opening to the speedy guitar opening for the title track "Rheingold". Not a ballad on the album. Certain songs are slower than others but for the most part the album just rips the entire way through. Personal favorites for me are "Giants", "Dragon", and "Twilight Of The Gods". All the songs rule though. Grave Digger is coming to America in 2004 to play the Brave Worlds and Bloody Knuckles 6 Pack Weekend. I simply cannot wait, it is about time they come to America. -


- Black metal's finest band right here has put out an album close to being number 1 for me. Much like Grave Digger (just a different style) they really set an atmosphere with their music. This album fetaures an orchestra which adds even more of a creepy haunting feel to the songs. There is not one bad song on the entire album. "Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse" is my abosolute favorite and I went ape shit when they played it live at the Jersey Hardcore and Metal Fest this past year. Dimmu Borgir show they are a force not to be reckoned with. They are masters of what they do and in my opinion at the top of the black metal throne. I believe this is the bands finest work and it will be hard to top this. -


- The King promised his best most gruesome album yet and thats exactly what he gave us. Coming equipped with a bonus DVD of King telling the story of the Puppet Master in full make up, this is King's finest release to date. It ranks right up there with "Abigail", "Them", and "Conspiracy" which are essential King albums. King has released alot of great stuff over the years but nothing has been this good since "Conspiracy" in 1989. The story behind the album is gruesome, bloody and down right creepy. Many great songs including a few slower ones but they all keep the flow of the story going perfect. My personal favorites are "Magic" and "Christmas". The title track and "Blood To Walk" are also great. Traditional King vocals, kick ass guitar playing from Andy LaRoque and an awesome effort from the rest of the band. -


- The pumpkin's are back and hit hard with a more return to form. Their last album "The Dark Ride" did not go over too well with its darker unhappy vibe. I personally loved it but "Rabbit Don't Come Easy" is a return to Happy Helloween! This album when asked my feelings on it I describe as a cross between the highly underated "Better Than Raw" and the classic "Keeper Of The Seven Keys Part 2". The album kicks off with the happy, uplifting and humorous "Just A Little Sign". The band delivers a heavy, fast, and catchy song about growing a boner! The next song "Open Your Life" is my personal favorite on the album and a very meaningful song. The way Andi Deris slams you with the opening version with the lines "Ignorant and wasted is what you are but you could be so much more..." is just moving. The rest of the album kicks alot of ass including the darker and heavier "Back Against The Wall" (which I could imagine on "The Dark Ride"). "Nothing To Say" is an awesome ender with great tempo changes. Helloween have been kicking ass since the 80's but have released nothing but strong solid albums since the arrival of Andi Deris and I see a very bright future for the band. Seeing them live this year was my favorite concert of the year. -


- I knew not a thing about this band before picking up this album. Boy am I glad I did as it is one of the most powerful releases of 2003. The band plays an amazing style of original power metal. Their lead singer Andy B. Franck is aboslutely amazing and can hit several different styles with his vocals from normal to high pitched. I love the opener "Highs Without Lows" and love the title to that song alone besides the fact it kicks ass. My absolute favorite on the album is "The Leading" which is a very powerful tune and shows Andy hitting some of the finest higher pitched notes I have ever heard. I cannot wait to hear more from this bands past as well as the future and hope to see them live one of these days. I have a new found interest and can see this band being a major force in the future of heavy and powerful metal. -

6. Kamelot - Epica

7. Rage - Soundchaser

8. Iron Maiden - Dance Of Death

9. Seven Witches - Passage To The Otherside

10. Overkill - Killbox 13

11. Stratovarius - Elements Part II

12. Sonata Arctica - Winterheart's Guild

13. Cage - Darker Than Black

14. Dream Theater - Train Of Thought

15. Children Of Bodom - Hate Crew Deathroll

16. Lost Horizon - A Flame To The Ground Beneath

17. Agent Steel - Order Of The Illuminati

18. Destruction - Metal Discharge

19. Dream Evil - Evilized

20. Chinchilla - Madtropolis

21. Wolfcry - Nightbreed

22. Stratovarius - Elements Part 1

23. Sinner - There Will Be Execution

24. Firewind - Burning Earth

25. Nevermore - Enemies Of Reality

26. Arch Enemy - Anthems Of Rebellion

27. Circle II Circle - Watching In Silence

28. Anthrax - We've Come For You All

29. Steel Attack - Predators Of The Empire

30. Galloglass - Legends From Now and Nevermore

I cant limit myself to just 30, that list aint bad, but no racer x, no artomsia, type o negative, total devastation, zyklon (sp?)

Btw dont say "well that aint heavy metal", obviously everybody has there own definition of heavy metal.
Well Gravedigger your list would be te 30 worst for me- yet this is just my personal opinion-im sure your list is of high quality for power metal.

Hm I can think of 7 or 8

Ephel Duath
Anathema- still a let down though
And i enjoyed the new Tiamat album.
Oh I forgot the new Crown album, is prett good, not great or classic, just solid.

Lots of mediocre metal was released by good bands.
1. Dimmu Borgir – Death Cult Armageddon
2. Grave Digger – Rheingold
3. Seven Witches – Passage to the Other Side
4. King Diamond – The Puppet Master
5. Stratovarius- Elements Part 2
6. Rage - Soundchaser
7. Iron Maiden – Dance of Death
8. Overkill – Killbox 13
9. Helloween – Rabbit Don’t Come Easy
10. Dream Theater – Train of Thought
11. Royal Hunt - Eyewitness
12. Brainstorm – Soul Temptation
13. Evergrey – Recreation day
14. Children of Bodom – Hatecrew Deathroll
15. Chinchilla - Madtropolis
16. Frost – Raise Your Fist to Metal
17. Circle II Circle – Watching in Silence
18. Kamelot - Epica
19. Arch Enemy – Anthems of Rebellion
20. Nevermore – Enemies of Reality
21. Firewind – Burning Earth
22. Force of Evil – Force of Evil
23. Sinner – There Will Be Execution
24. Destruction – Metal Discharge
25. Brazen Abbot – Guilty as Sin

LIVE RELEASE – Blind Guardian

I also write for a metal website:
check us out for latest news, interviews, reviews, etc.

Heres some of my favorites for the year:
Septic Flesh - Sumerian Daemon
Enslaved - Below the Lights
Detonation - An Epic Defiance
Windir - Likferd
Grimfist - Ghouls of Grandeur
The Crown - Possessed 13
Casketgarden - This Corroded Soul of Mine
Callenish Circle - My Passion Your Pain
Naglfar - Sheol
Nightrage - Sweet Vengeance
Incapacity - Chaos Complete
Dark at Dawn - Of Decay and Desire
Suidakra - Signs for the Fallen
Moonsorrow - Kivenkantaja
Einherjer - Blot
The Wake - Ode to My Misery
Serpentia - Dark Fields of Pain
The Fifth Sun - Moment of Truth
Battlesword - Failing In Triumph
Old Man's Child- In Defiance of Existance

Its hard to pick and I know I'm forgetting some but oh well.