@NAD-LIKE-DUDER.... Reccomend me some good stoner rock

Conspicuously Absent

Linguistically Confused
Mar 27, 2005
Kyuss is really making my dick hard.

So was Neurosis...

and porcupine tree....

I dunno... it's bright, sunny, and warm, but also freezing cold (cold hair, warm sun!) and ummm... yeah.

Need stoner rock and such.
For sunny type stuff, UNIDA. Think Kyuss but more rock.

Obviously I could recommend a bunch more, but I think Unida would really suit you for a spell. Since their shit is hard to find I'll hit you up with their entire catalogue in a few days or something.
He asks me because I AM the desert. :kickass:

Honestly though, Doomcifer is most well versed of this style. At least half of what I love was recommended by him.
immediately procure:
electric wizard - dopethrone
sleep - dopesmoker

unless you want to be gay and lying.

or if you want a more sludge route, you cant go wrong with some Bongzilla, Eyehategod or Iron Monkey.
MFJ said:
Uhh... Yeah? Doesn't mean that it doesn't ruin everything else that IS stoner.
I know, I was just like, stating something or something.

I'm uploading a bunch of Unida right now, it'll be done sometime tonight.