Need help deciding which of these tones to go with. Help me decide :)

Tommy Evans

Jul 19, 2011
Colorado Springs, Colorado
It comes down to the Criminal head in POD farm vs my mic'd 5150ii through a peavey XXX 4x12 cab.

I know the default answer around here will always be to choose a real head over a fake one. But listen to them closely and tell me which one sounds better. Tell me which one FEELS better. Tell me which one suits the song best. I've got downloadable Dropbox links for now (I'm not at my computer). If anyone requests direct links I'll gladly put them up later tonight when I get home.




Thanks guise!
yea the criminal sounds better at the moment, but it still has that "grainy" amp sim quality about it. With that said, I still think the 5150 is capable of sounding a lot better, maybe if you dial in your gain differently.

I think the podfarm clip has the right amount of sustain and distortion, but not enough low end punch. with the 5150 you really feel the "push" of the speaker cone, so you get that low end punch but your tone lacks the sustain that the pod farm tone has.

and on a side note, my go-to pod farm amp is the treadplate, I always wanted to use the criminal head, but for whatever reason could never get a tone out of it that I was satisfied with. but you got it sounding real nice here. would you mind sharing your podfarm settings?? I'm only curious about the pedal/amp knob settings really, and which cab/mic you're using within podfarm (or which IR if thats what you're using)

thanks bud!
Word up, Jack! Thanks for advice. I'll be able to open up the session later tonight to see what I did then i'll let you know. Totally agree with everything you said btw. Criminal has def has some harsh gainy stuff happening and the 5150 settings dont have the sustain I need for the long chugs. How would you suggest I dial the 5150 in order to get it to do what I need to do?

Right now on the 5150 im at
Gain: 3.5
Low: 8
Mid: 8
Hi: 6
Post: below one
Res: 10
Pres: 9.5

There's 57 an inch and a half from the grill pointing where the dust cap meets the cone.

noise gate: threshold at -21db with decay of 5%
Screamer: all knobs to noon.
Criminal: drive6 bass10 middle4 treble8.5 pres8 volume4.
Cab: 4x12 Green 25s no room with a 57 on axis.

And some minor post EQ. If you want deets on that I'll hook you up with em.
Ah shiiieet I forgot to mention my TS9. My bad.
Drive: 9 o clock
Tone: 12 o clock
Level: 3 o clock

so you're using a real tube screamer on top of the one in pod farm?

(edit: nvm, you're obv talking about the 5150)

I'm also surprised that you had the drive so high on the criminal, and that you we're using the 57 on axis. i need to try this. usually i only use the 57 on axis for lead parts and off axis for rhythm.
Def real amp. the podfarm tracks have ZERO punch. and you're still having problems with the dissonant breakdowns and you need to do two things to fix that. 1st, the bass needs to sit a TON high in this mix, it'll fill in a lot of gaps, as now it sounds almost non-existant. 2nd, quad track that breakdown, maybe use the criminal here to blend with it to give that sustain.
MegaDave, I compared the first test to the newer one and your right. Not as much punch as it had before. I'll back the gain down to
3.5 where it was and try blending the pod tone in there on the dissonant chugs. And about the bass, you're saying i need to turn it up as a whole or just through the dissonant part...?