need help in making a double cd evergrey compilation


crazed tattooed metalhead
Jan 19, 2002
I want to cover material from all their cds. i know the new cd is still relatively new in people's minds. I am open to all suggestions. I like to put the songs in a good flowing order rather than just grab songs randomly from all their cds.

Any suggestions for which songs would you take from each cd and then put all those songs in the order you would do? there are so many good songs and that is why I know I will have to go into 2 80 minute cds.:Spin:
I am the same way with making compilation discs. I love to have a good flow. However, to make one for Evergrey is quite hard ... hmm, I'd suggest starting the collection off with a faster, straight-forward song like Blinded and definitely end it with When The Walls Go Down. Other than that, you're on your own! :p
My opinion is that your compilation CD will have to be, not just 2, but 5 CD'! I couldn't pick one song off of any of their CD's that I could live without. I just discovered this band a little over a year ago.....and they are now my favorite. I NEVER get tired of listening to any of their songs or CD's
Oh well, good luck!
TheDarkDiscovery said:
My opinion is that your compilation CD will have to be, not just 2, but 5 CD'! I couldn't pick one song off of any of their CD's that I could live without. I just discovered this band a little over a year ago.....and they are now my favorite. I NEVER get tired of listening to any of their songs or CD's
Oh well, good luck!
totally agreed
thanks, I am trying to read thru the songs to see if there are certain songs that would fit perfectly right next to each other. I also have to watch out as I noticed on dark discovery where two songs(as light is our darkness and beyond salvation) pretty much run into each other so they will be put together on my comp if I use them. I hate making comps and having songs cut off at the end or start off awkwardly.

my comps are usually for driving purposes and to help turn on others to killer music.

there is always one in the crowd that says why not mp3 all the band's tracks:Smug:
Necessities (which is basically a list of some of my favorite tracks from each)

Blackened Dawn
December 26th
For Every Tear
As Light Is Our Darkness
Corey Curse
Rulers of the Mind
Mark of the Triangle
End of Your Days
Recreation Day
Trilogy of the Damned
Waking Up Blind
In the Wake of the Weary
Essence of Conviction
Faith Restored
When the Walls Go Down
well, for fun i'll pick a tentative 3 favorite songs from each album:

For Every Tear That Falls
When The River Calls
Trust And Betrayal
Solitude Within
A Scattered Me
Words Mean Nothing
Rulers of the Mind
Watching the Skies
Dark Waters
Your Darkest Hour
As I Lie Here Bleeding
A Touch of Blessing
More Than Ever
The Essence of Conviction
I ended up treating it like a cd release show where I ended up putting all of new cd which I couldn't pick this early with 2 older songs in between each track of the new one. Both cds ended up in the 74,75 minute range. I will have track listing later today.
Hell, this reminds me of me. I make cd-r comps of bands for my truck so when my shit gets stolen (like it did two months ago) the people jack my cd-rs not my real cds. Thank god for that I woulda gone on a rampage if my cds were stolen.

Anyways, I make pseudo "live" setlists, take the Evergrey comp I made to listen to as I drive 5 hours to Austin today to see them.

Solitude Within
Great Deciever
Watching the Skies
Beyond Salvation
Recreation Day
A Touch of Blessing
Blackened Dawn
Mark of the Triangle
Essence of Conviction
Dark Discovery
and for the "encore"

As I lie Bleeding

BTW yes I'm new here, I caught the guys at PP IV but it wasnt until about a few months ago when it all just clicked for me and now Im a frothing Evergrey fanboy hahha.

Okay, this is the approach I took it from. I used the cd release show approach. I still hadn't taken in the new cd to where I had favs and I didn't want to put 3 obvious ones only to find out a month later that I liked this one or that one. I am so surprised that the new songs mix so well with all the older favs I put but this is the tracking:

Cd 1:
A touch of blessing 5:50
Blinded 4:34
Rulers of the Mind 5:57
Ambassador 4:29
Dark Discovery 3:35
Solitude Within 5:33
In the wake of the weary 4:43
End of your Days 4:39
Different Worlds 5:29
Harmless Wishes 4:18
December 26th 5:05
Nosferatu 5:40
Waking Up Blind 4:22
Your Darkest Hour 6:15
Misled 5:59

More than Ever 4:13
The Great Deceiver 4:20
Recreation Day 5:21
The essence of conviction 6:06
Mark of the Triangle 6:22
The Corey Curse 5:23
Where all good sleep 4:37
As I lay here bleeding 3:50
Fragment 5:37
Faith Restored 3:53
I'm Sorry 3:18
For every tear that falls 4:14
Trilogy of the damned 9:00
The Master Plan 4:46
When the walls go down 5:38