Need some help...


Unarmed... ;)
Jul 7, 2004
....Need your help!...Urban's puter crashed and all pix were lost :erk: ...can i get your help in getting links of urban/tad morose pix? thanx.... :wave:
Whooo, did he really loose ALL his pix? Did his computer encounter a harddrive meltdown situation?
Hmm.... it was my pics...
I supposed it was better to collect them on his computer because he have more "space" :OMG:
Thanks for the links.... it´s a good start.. :wave:
If i do a search i only get old pics... :erk:
Gaunerin said:
are we talking pics of Taddies in general or Urban in particular?

here's Henk's excellent gallery of the recent TM show at PPUSA

and here's Bear's PP V pics

I also have a somewhat very incomplete TM pic collection of all sorts on one of my back up cds that I could send.

Hmm....of course Urban ;) But i had a lot of "Tad-pics" too...
Thanks for the links...
I would be more than glad if you send it to me :tickled:
Zhanna said:
Hmm....of course Urban ;) But i had a lot of "Tad-pics" too...
Thanks for the links...
I would be more than glad if you send it to me :tickled:
well....I only have an email address for Urban, if you want me to send it your way I need to know where to send it to. Just send me a PM and let me know. Be prepared for approx. 10 MB worth of pics (zipped)
Zhanna said:
....Need your help!...Urban's puter crashed and all pix were lost :erk: ...can i get your help in getting links of urban/tad morose pix? thanx.... :wave:
I made the "red" pix of TM that I was proud of from PPIV if you need that one as well as some others.
