Negative reps

I remember when I got a negative rep for my thread about Donald Cocksmelled. I put 2 and 2 together, figured out it was Jerry, and then laughed out loud. :lol:

Hey Ali, what's your impression of the HC 1 dvd?!?! I'm currently watching Primordial and I must say that I love the camera angles. Very professional for an amateur set up. Hell I didn't even know they were filming. :loco:

My only gripe is that there isn't a frontal shot of the drummer, it's just constant close ups of his arse. :ill:
I don't neg rep people a lot, but I did so once on someone on GMD because he really was an arrogant asshole and I had the balls to sign it. Minutes later, he pmed me telling me to stfu. How classy. Adamentus is his name, if you know the guy.

Hey Ali, what's your impression of the HC 1 dvd?!?! I'm currently watching Primordial and I must say that I love the camera angles. Very professional for an amateur set up. Hell I didn't even know they were filming. :loco:

My only gripe is that there isn't a frontal shot of the drummer, it's just constant close ups of his arse. :ill:

Can someone burn this and mail it to me or something? I'll pay shipping!
Hey Ali, what's your impression of the HC 1 dvd?!?! I'm currently watching Primordial and I must say that I love the camera angles. Very professional for an amateur set up. Hell I didn't even know they were filming. :loco:

My only gripe is that there isn't a frontal shot of the drummer, it's just constant close ups of his arse. :ill:
When you turn the volume up, the bass goes to hell. Unfortunately, a DVD is unable to capture the magic of the show. That said, it's a very good DVD.

By the way, did I miss it, or is Thyrfing's logo missing from the box?

When you turn the volume up, the bass goes to hell. Unfortunately, a DVD is unable to capture the magic of the show. That said, it's a very good DVD.

I'm very impressed with the camera work. Extremely professional.

General Zod said:
By the way, did I miss it, or is Thyrfing's logo missing from the box?

Lower left hand corner - it's their symbol.

That reminds me, I bought one for Mark and have to figure out how to get it to him.

Todesbonden come off better than any other band on this DVD. The local bands such as Dumah and Autumn Eternal on the other hand, sound piss poor. I guess a little alcohol can make any band sound like a quartet of season veterans.
. I guess a little alcohol can make any band sound like a quartet of season veterans.

The exact reason I tend to stay as sober as possible for concerts, saving the drinking for after the show. I wanna make sure the band is good, and that i'm not hearing something good because the alcohol fixed their tuning.