New Amorphis album


Apr 19, 2011
Just in time for the start of the new forum, a foretaste of the upcoming album... ;)


[ame][/ame] (starting at 4:38)
Not bad, but still same old, same old... :bah: Was kinda hoping for some new direction and the heavy hand of Master Tägtgren, but, then again it's too early to judge the new album by one song.
Not bad, but still same old.
Somehow I doubt that we will get what Esa have said some time ago: "I'm really thrilled about the idea to take a major step away from the so-called routines that we've had with our last records." + " I’d already love to say that we’ve created the best Amorphis album ever."

But who am I to jugde with hearing one new song.
: "I'm really thrilled about the idea to take a major step away from the so-called routines that we've had with our last records."

I doubt that this is ever going to happen. They're too lazy to change the setlist every now and then, let alone take a major step. Besides, why bother? - House Of Sleep is always such a crowd-pleaser...:dopey:
I'm not expecting a major deviation with this album. I like this new song as the 'latest brutal live song' well enough and it will make a nice change for them and for us in the setlist to give Majestic Beast or The Smoke a rest. But I'm not expecting that Esa, Tomi K, or Sande start writing songs differently than they have been. Esa will make more fantastic, prog-influenced songs that are epic. Tomi K will give the album a bit more edge and some growling. Sande will give us another handful of radio friendly ballads. For the sound to change you'd need to have all three of them change their working habits at once, and that won't happen while these are still bringing them more success than they had in the early days and have families to support. Can't say I blame them much.

Listening to Barren Earth, I'm missing Oppu's writing contributions to the Amorphis sound. If Amo weren't so busy touring maybe there'd be some space for a one-off project like Chaosbreed to keep things fresh and give them somewhere to take risks again.
But I'm not expecting that Esa, Tomi K, or Sande start writing songs differently than they have been. Esa will make more fantastic, prog-influenced songs that are epic. Tomi K will give the album a bit more edge and some growling. Sande will give us another handful of radio friendly ballads.
Actually, the songwriting process crossed my mind when I gave more listens to the new song, it sounds a little more jagged than before. Since Eclipse, only one member has been given composing credits per song, but this new one sounds like there could be multiple members credited. The song is essentially similar to previous material but changing things around like this might bring some fresh air eventually.
The song is essentially similar to previous material but changing things around like this might bring some fresh air eventually.

It's good that the song has a healthy dose of aggression to it (I'm rarely in a ballad mood these days), I just miss the kind of passages that make me go :worship: . Like, to name just a choice few, the beginning and end of Majestic Beast, the middle part of Brother Moon or the whole second half of Song Of The Sage (nothing wrong with the first half either). Another good example from TBOT is Soothsayer, with goosebump moments like 2:32 >.

Haven't heard "Mehtä" live yet, perhaps that experience will help me to better get into it. Although I don't expect it to be as mind-blowing as the premiere of Weaving The Incantation (another song with plenty of reason for worship) 5 1/2 years ago. Don't know if a complete recording of it exists, the one below was the only I could find. I still like that version of the guitar solo better than the one on the album.

And speaking of guitar solos, I would so NOT mind to hear a few ass-kickers of that species on the new album. TBOT featured less of them than this little collection of goodies...

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Finally, I can listen to Mehtä. Damn ear.

I don't hear any drastic changes in the overall sound, but it seems okay, though I'm not really able to judge yet. The solo is cool.

One thing is sure, though, if they release it as a single, it's going to be way more awesome than "You I Need".
Haven't heard "Mehtä" live yet, perhaps that experience will help me to better get into it.

Update on this one - now that I've heard it live twice, I find it hard to get the melody out of my head anymore. My mom may go ahead and complain to Esa if I'll be whistling the thing throughout Xmas, but I for my part am glad that in spite of all upheavals in this world, a few things still work the way they're supposed to.
I like this. I am hoping that the new stuff would be a bit heavyer, more melancholic and maybe a bit slower.

I loved acoustic Amorphis, and hope that there is some marks of it in the new album. I don´t now if I´m getting old :), but the acoustic stuff was something wonderful. I so hope that there is some extra-cd or something with those songs.
The 11th AMORPHIS album will be entitled „Circle“ and is set to be released April 19, 2013 via Nuclear Blast.

Singer Tomi Joutsen adds about the album's title: „Circle represents integrity. Back in the days, when there was something special to talk about, wise men used to sit in circle. Not everyone was invited to join them. But in this story, the protagonist was invited among the wise men's circle.“
Sounds like an interesting concept, approaching the old tales from a modern-day perspective. There's a bit more about it in the NB press statement:

"The protagonist has been dealt a bad hand at birth. He’s always felt himself an outsider with strong potential to become marginalized. Through an accident, after a crisis, he finds a connection with his inner powers. A guide is sent to him, from some other time and place. He gets a chance to take hold of his own life and change his destiny. From the past of Carelian Finland he finds his own spiritual tribe and the power to turn the course of his doomed life. This is a story of survival."

I shall read through those lyrics closely, might find some advice for myself there...
When can we expect little of view... Tourdates? Maybe a first radioedit? Music video? The 4th teaser by D. Goria?
Maybe we can get something at Kalevala day 28.2?