New Evergrey song "Fail" is up

I was hoping this new disc would rekindle my love for Evergrey's music. However, I guess these guys just don't do it for me anymore. Their sound is so distinctive, that I just get a "been there, done that" feeling when I listen to a song like this. I suspect I'll skip their ProgPower X performance.

This actually gives me hope that they are back. This song in itself is so much more filled with slick licks than that last apocalyptic disaster of an album...
I like it. It does sound like something from the In Search of Truth era to me as well, but it would sound better if Swano mixed and mastered it, hehe, cause didn't Swano mix and master ISOT.
As they say these days, "Meh."

There's nothing new here. It's a mid-tempo song with so-so lyrics, an almost non-existent rhythm guitar sound, and standard-issue Evergrey vocals. The only part that surprised me was the guitar solo. That was a bit of slickness I hadn't expected.

If the entire album sounds as un-dynamic as this track, it could be the first Evergrey album I skip.
As they say these days, "Meh."

There's nothing new here. It's a mid-tempo song with so-so lyrics, an almost non-existent rhythm guitar sound, and standard-issue Evergrey vocals. The only part that surprised me was the guitar solo. That was a bit of slickness I hadn't expected.

If the entire album sounds as un-dynamic as this track, it could be the first Evergrey album I skip.

Christ all these people who hate anything new and the rest complain when it isn't new. MMA was new, and people hated it.

I am digging this song--and for the persons who think it is similar, maybe it is. But maybe they released this song for a reason--to provide some familiarity perhaps before we get the rest of the album?

The stuff they let us hear in the previews did not sound a lot like this.
Nothing special. I do hope that the rest of the new album will be a kick ass return to their good material.

I still can't believe a band as great as Evergrey could have released an album as uninspired and bland as Monday Morning Apocalypse. It's not a matter of not liking a "new style." It's a matter of Evergrey failing to release something on the same level of their previous 3 albums which were fantastic.

That being said, I still have high hopes for this new one.
I still can't believe a band as great as Evergrey could have released an album as uninspired and bland as Monday Morning Apocalypse. It's not a matter of not liking a "new style." It's a matter of Evergrey failing to release something on the same level of their previous 3 albums which were fantastic.

Bingo :heh:

But to me this new song sounds nothing like MMA thank God :D
*watches the horde of people march by with torches and pitchforks*

wow, and I was actually planning to come in here and express the fact that for the first time in my progpower music fanboy career am I anxiously awaiting an Evergrey album. :oops:

The preview material we heard in the trailers is what grabbed my attention this time around. And the song posted above isn't horrible. The one thing about 'Fail' - much like PurpleCrayonWriter mentioned - that made me sit up and take notice was the guitar solo... "slick" indeed. :Smug:

I feel like always such the oddball....
A while back a thread about ones favorite Gamma Ray album, and my favorite Majesty...not even

I liked MMA.
I'm not the fan boy type, but I do like this band quite a bit...and while nothing amazingly different from what they have done, I really like the song.

...and to that, I agree with the sentiment that if it was, there would be bitching about that...all good.
*watches the horde of people march by with torches and pitchforks*

wow, and I was actually planning to come in here and express the fact that for the first time in my progpower music fanboy career am I anxiously awaiting an Evergrey album. :oops:

The preview material we heard in the trailers is what grabbed my attention this time around. And the song posted above isn't horrible. The one thing about 'Fail' - much like PurpleCrayonWriter mentioned - that made me sit up and take notice was the guitar solo... "slick" indeed. :Smug:


Don't you know that it's cool to dis every damn thing possible on this forum! :lol::p Get with the program man! :p

I was hoping this new disc would rekindle my love for Evergrey's music. However, I guess these guys just don't do it for me anymore. Their sound is so distinctive, that I just get a "been there, done that" feeling when I listen to a song like this. I suspect I'll skip their ProgPower X performance.


Are you sure their going to be there for PPX? I hope not as a headliner! I would more like to see someone new. Evergrey is very boring live to me.
Are you sure their going to be there for PPX? I hope not as a headliner! I would more like to see someone new. Evergrey is very boring live to me.

What did you think of Stratovarius live? Evergrey is one of my favorite live bands, and Strato bored me to tears..... In SPITE of looking forward to them!
For once, (okay maybe it's the second time...) I agree with Zod.

Evergrey is a band that hasn't been doing it for me since ProgPower VII. I gave MMA a couple o' listens and promptly forgot about it. As I've told some of you already, every time I put on one of their albums, I find myself changing to something else after the first or second track. I think I've gotten through TIC and completely enjoyed it once since then.

Anyway. "Fail" is fail. At least for me.