New Mastodon song "High Road" Thoughts?

Not enjoying this album at all, didn't like the last one either. Not sure what has happened to this band. I loved the first 4 albums, but all the elements that made them great are gone. The crushing heaviness they had on Remission and Leviathan with those awesome riffs are now nowhere to be seen. The awesome prog of Blood Mountain and Crack the Skye is gone as well. What we are left with is bland and dull.
Intro reminds me of the Remission era, but I don't like how Troy tries to sing over those riffs when it's obvious there should be some sort of screaming there. Chorus is cool.
On second listen, this song is depressingly classic Mastodon if it wasn't for the lack of screaming vocals. Even the harmony part in the middle is so reminiscent of March of the Fire Ants' harmony part. It's so weird how Troy had one of the most badass sounding voices ever in the 2000's and just refuses to use it these days.
Admittedly, I've never been a huge Mastodon fan, as their vocals have always kept me at a distance. However, I'm really enjoying this record. Probably my favorite from them. That said, I can completely understand if this is not what longtime Mastodon fans want from this band.