new Metallica song posted

Armani FTW!

Im not impressed with anything I've heard, and that isn't even with me having over exaggerated expectations of Metallica making a huge comeback. I just wanted something that sounded decent and appealing. I don't hear anything decent AND appealing yet.
Umm.. what's wrong with Armani? Good clothes.

The version I heard on the radio yesterday sounded better. Though the snare was still loud as hell (and I have to say it sounded a bit like when I used to hit a paint bucket). I still like it.
Umm.. what's wrong with Armani? Good clothes.

Exactly. Whoever still thinks is "TRUE" enough to wear your old ripped Metallica shirt to a wedding, is fucking stupid. Armani clothes look great... If I had enough money, I'd be buying nice shit too.

I will never forget somebody telling me once "I hate my job as a waiter...I have to wear stupid clothes, like a button-down shirt and slacks. If I could, I'd wear my jeans and metal shirts to it every night, cause metal is that important to me."

What a tool... :lol:
Exactly. Whoever still thinks is "TRUE" enough to wear your old ripped Metallica shirt to a wedding, is fucking stupid. Armani clothes look great... If I had enough money, I'd be buying nice shit too.

I will never forget somebody telling me once "I hate my job as a waiter...I have to wear stupid clothes, like a button-down shirt and slacks. If I could, I'd wear my jeans and metal shirts to it every night, cause metal is that important to me."

What a tool... :lol:

Do you seriously only post just to make fun of me? lol
For the record, I could care less whether James Hetfield shops at Armani, nor do I think it has any bearing on whether or not Death Magnetic is any good. I just thought that picture would be great for discussion purposes. Carry on...
I wasn't saying anything was wrong with Armani, damn.

I was just being sarcastically enthusiastic about Armani because God knows I couldn't afford it. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Armani and I actually like wearing AquaDiGio, Armani Cologne. (which isn't that expensive at your everyday department store in the mall)

I didn't say anything about it reflecting the music either, but I did however go on to talk about the music and stay on topic.

but I can joke down that route--

I like Megadeth better cause Dave is endorsing Affliction wear.

Affliction FTW!

err...again no. (too expensive)
I too can't stand being dressed up. And yes, I consider khakis and a button-up as dressed up, so I understand that waiter all too well :) . I've always hated the feeling of it ever since I was three years old, so there's nothing about being "true" to Metal or anything as I had no idea what Metal was back then :p And Hell, If I were "true", I wouldn't have a poster of Mark Knophler in my room, hahahahahaha ... that man is a god, though, seriously.

Anywho, I finally listened to this song through earphones. Meh...

I'll scratch this album off my want list. Only one on there now is EBS's debut. Hey, Patrick, how 'bout y'all hurry up and get on that :saint:
I don't really like Affliction anymore. Every joe schmo who wears it seems to think that it makes them MMA elite.

Dcowboys, I have to disagree with you. This song is tasty.
I really don't know what the heck Lars, Rick Rubin or whoever were thinking with this snare sound. It's absolutely terrible. It's overdriven to the point that you think your own player EQ is cranked on the high end accidentally, and it sticks out like a sore thumb with the rest of the music. I actually like the guitar sound and kick sound, vocals, etc. but this snare... mama mia...
I totally agree with you on the snare sound. Positively painful, making it difficult to evaluate the rest.

Ok, so the sound quality was unintentionally screwed up in this release; why didn't anyone check it out before they mass circulated it? It produces totally the opposite response you want to generate with a first release.

As for the rest of the song, some of the riffs were pretty decent, singing so so, but I hated the break about 2/3's through. That should have been completely left out. The song didn't need to be over 7 minutes long.
The last minute and a half are better but the musical theme, if there was one, is totally gone. The song had potential. They could have done better with the idea.

The second release? Bleh.:yuk: Started out sounding like it could be good, but then it dives into that pounding, driving grind that is just totally boring and irritating. It's like their trying to add the sound and feeling of many of the currently, commercially popular metal bands that I can't stand. They're trying too hard to get back in the mainstream. Everything I've heard sounds overworked and "planned." They've lost their spirit.
My apocalypse is better than the day that never comes. I think metallica titled that song jokingly because the day that metallica is once again relevant will never come. They know their doom and are willing to joke about it, because they are dead and will never create music that once feeled and sounded the way their classics do.

In the Andy Sneap forum, somebody asked if he would or has tried to work with metallica and what he would do to help them return to their former glory, and he jokingly replied, have Mustaine rejoin and put Kirk on bass. I think that Metallica does need somebody like Sneap to kick their ass and he would at least make the recordings sound good even if the music sucks.
My apocalypse sucks. it's about the only thing they could have released to make The Day That Never Comes look good. It's straight up nu-metal with bullshit riffs and shit lyrics. Though The Day That Never Comes has that absolute fucking gem "Love is a four letter word". Good one guys.