New mix, opinions wanted!

No love yet?

Forgot to post the signal chain anyway, so..

Guitars were all done on my Edwards e-ex-125e explorer with EMG81 bridge pickup, into MXR CSP-021 OD, Boss NS-2 suppressor, 6505 on rhythm channel, into a Framus Dragon cab with V30's, 2x SM57's, all double tracked except for lead parts. Has some light EQ from Waves REQ4, and a Waves C4 on there as well

Bass was an active Warwick 5 string bubinga straight into my MOTU 828mkII, used Ampeg SVX on that.

Drums were EzDrummer with DFH expansion, all default kit, tried out waves VEQ's on them this time, compressors were C1, all bussed to a T-Racks, and snare had some light verb on it as well.

Haven't done vocals yet ;)
That sounds pretty sweet man, that is some of the best guitar tone I've heard in a while, I think you may have just persuaded me to get a 6505. Altogether, I think it all sounds tight. I'm just listening on a 2.1 set of computer speakers and it blew me away. Maybe the rhythm guitar could come up just a tad, maybe I'm just biased because I lobve that tone. Keep up the good work!
the overall sound and balance is pretty good in my opininon. some things you might wanna take a look at:
-drums sound pretty fake, especially, hats, toms and ride (iguess i'm used to kick and snares sounding fake in this type of music)
-bass could kgggeng through the mix a bit more if you understand what i mean, i would say some more high / highmids in there and perhaps some more dynamics in that range if possible
-your guitarsound is pretty killer!
Yeah I know what you mean about the bass, may see to that shortly. I have a lot of trouble getting EzDrummer/DFH sounding realistic, the velocity changes at higher volumes are barely noticable on the cymbals, only noticeable differences are at lower velocities, but then they are too quiet, can't bring them up in the mixer either as bringing up the overheads ruins the overall balance of the drums :( Looking forward to purchasing slate drums 2.0 when they are out, hopefully should alleviate my issue!
yea, real good. really dig the "rhythmic" aspects.. great guitar tone, and loved the toms. EzDrummer, huh? wow.. nothin EZ about what i heard. ;) Great job! thanks for sharing your setup..