New project

dan of bereavement

shroud of bereavement
Jun 6, 2004
Amesbury mass
Not sure how far this will go, but I have began actually getting ideas/songs together for the side project I have been wanting to do for years now. I have gotten a kick in the ass from our old drummer Danny Clarke who has agreed to be the perminant drummer for our band Grey Seas Under. Expect to hear very very heavy, melodic death metal somewhere between early Bolt Thrower, Asphyx, Grave with a newer twist mixed with Arcturus, Winds, The Third And The Mortal, Morgion and Shape Of Despair and Shining. I will be singing and playing guitar. More updates as they come. Updates as they come!
Alright. I'll put it in the news segment.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to do a show this week since I did that 12 hour marathon over this past weekend. But I just decided to go ahead and do it, heh.
Thanks man. I often joke and say it's the worst show in radio history, haha.

Let the mochas flow!!