New Symphony X video posted online

The CGI on the landscapes was really well-done, but cutting away during the solos put me off and the dramatic staring on the part of the actors got old quick. The 'shaky camera' gimmick every metal band feels compelled to use has also gotten a bit ridiculous. It looks like Symphony X are doing well for themselves these days; that video couldn't have been cheap to produce.
When did silent bob start singing for Symphony x? Just kidding.........I am a super fan boy and love that they will be getting a fraction of the attention that they deserve with this video on mtv.
When did silent bob start singing for Symphony x?
It's actually quite interesting if you watch how they shoot the band. There are no close-ups of anyone but Russ. And even with Russ, they only zoom in when necessary. If they're serious about crossing over and looking for wider appeal (to an MTV audience), they need to look the part. Sad, but true.

It's actually quite interesting if you watch how they shoot the band. There are no close-ups of anyone but Russ. And even with Russ, they only zoom in when necessary. If they're serious about crossing over and looking for wider appeal (to an MTV audience), they need to look the part. Sad, but true.


No doubt SX's look has been anything BUT marketable in the past. Obviously that's not really an issue to most, but regarding the crossover appeal it most certainly is. Polishing their look a bit is fine with me, as long as the music doesn't suffer.
I don't remember those scenes from Milton's Paradise Lost. nitpicking aside, it was a good video. The editing was a bit iffy in some parts where they recycled footage.
Well, I think they did basically everything extremely well in that video EXCEPT the way they shot Russell. He's a heavier guy, which can work if you stay zoomed out and generally angle up to make his size imposing and dominating. Instead they decided to do a ton of closeups of his face dead on and made him look flat out fat. Plus those shots of him making mouth movements before the vocals are just uncomfortable.

Aside from that, it's only a little bit cheesy, but generally speaking the right amount of drama/CGI/wizard and warriors, for this type of music. In fact, for years I think there has been a struggle to hit the right stride with video making for power metal - everything was either over the top cheesy or bland. Symphony X really seems to have nailed it with this and the serpent's kiss video. They are conveying the band far better than in years past from a marketing perspective.

The way the backing vocals are mixed in the chorus of that song is fantastic - very clever and a perfect effect for enhancing the attitude of the song. Gives an already melodically great chorus a nice emotional lift.

Rullo needs to sit on a stack of phone books
Anybody else notice that the only time they showed Michael Romeo, he was behind a rock?

I thought it could have been really good. Instead, it was kind of like the D&D movie. Hell, I think they used the same plastic armor.
It's actually quite interesting if you watch how they shoot the band. There are no close-ups of anyone but Russ. And even with Russ, they only zoom in when necessary. If they're serious about crossing over and looking for wider appeal (to an MTV audience), they need to look the part. Sad, but true.


I noticed the same thing..........
I love SX and Paradise Lost is right up there for best of 2007 but that was one cheesy video, thought I was watching a Hammerfall video for a second. (like Hammerfall too btw)
I like this video. Symphony X is at the top of my music list and Paradise Lost is a monster of a good cd. The video screamed metal and looked the part. I would like to see them bust out and the video catch on and gain enough new fan base to fill larger venues in the U.S. but at that point they would be crucified like Dragonforce. But to Symphony X i say great job and keep plowing forward.