New Toxik songs released....

Little surprised no one seems to like these guys. Always thought these guys were one of the better tech/thrash bands to come out in the late 80's.

Looking forward to this.
not impressed at all. Loved the first album. Didn't care much for the second one. Will need to hear more before picking up the new one. I agree....they were one of the better tech thrash acts back then.
Great band!

New drummer and bassist sound great!

I knew Santolla was supposed to be in the band and is really awesome but why would they need him to play all the solos on the album? Christian is more than capable. I assume Santolla is not playing with them because he is in FL and they are in NY. Just not enough money in this kind of music to fly back and forth for all these shows.
Think This and World Circus are two of the greatest metal albums ever released. Even though i'm not crazy about these new songs(really, 99% of 80's thrash bands release turds or mediocrity fests post-90's) i'll still see these guys every chance I get.

Honestly, I was always a bit confused by the fact Glenn has never had a prog-thrash band like Toxik on the fest. (The few times he gets a thrash band, like Overkill and Forbidden, they're the furthest thing from prog. Glenn loves to troll us. :D )

It'll be interesting to see if these guys are able to "come back" at all, or if they'll always just be a nostalgia act that random Euro fests will book. Pumped to see what the future holds. :)
Think This and World Circus are two of the greatest metal albums ever released. Even though i'm not crazy about these new songs(really, 99% of 80's thrash bands release turds or mediocrity fests post-90's) i'll still see these guys every chance I get.

Honestly, I was always a bit confused by the fact Glenn has never had a prog-thrash band like Toxik on the fest. (The few times he gets a thrash band, like Overkill and Forbidden, they're the furthest thing from prog. Glenn loves to troll us. :D )

It'll be interesting to see if these guys are able to "come back" at all, or if they'll always just be a nostalgia act that random Euro fests will book. Pumped to see what the future holds. :)

sadly they will be a nostalgia act for Euro fest and a few local shows here and there sadly