Next show you're going to (and why)


Dec 21, 2001
Sometimes, knowing what shows your like-minded buddies are hitting can help you find a killer gig to attend. Others it will mislead as your chums are in it for wine or women that hold no interest. So let's all share what gigs we're hitting and be upfront about why.

July 15: Woods of Ypres @ Ralph's in Worcester
Frozen is opening. There's heckling to be done. Plus I like some of Woods' back catalog and it's not like they tour out this way every other week.

August 1: Idina Menzel w/ the Boston Pops somewhere on Cape Cod
Idina was badass in Rent, Wicked, and Glee. Plus the missus had a birthday, the gig benefits an arts society, and tickets were half the cost of any other shows on the tour.

August 14: Slayer, Megadeth, and Testament
I had tickets to see TesTamenT before I could drive and my ride forced me out before they came on so I've felt like a tool for many, many years. Also in celebration of it being 20 years since "Seasons in the Abyss" and "Rust in Peace," Slayer and Megadeth are playing their respective albums in entirety. Figured it was a good chance to see Megadave and Slayer before someone indespensible cripples themself and the bands split.
@Tom: Everybody knows someone in Frozen. Used to play six degrees of Colin Conway. Worked even at screenings of Repo! The Genetic Opera.

@Dan: Yeah. To make matters even more br00tal on you laborers, WoY is headlining. I'm personally going to bring some stuff up to the fiancee's place 15-20 from the venue next couple weekends then just crash there for the night.
Yep. July 15 is a Thursday. Would love to be all "pre-party wooo" but since work lets out at 9:30 90 minutes away... not happening.

I might be going to a blues gig in Everett, MA tomorrow. The 11:00 act's drummer is a train buddy. I'm guessing it's at THE place for blues in Everett since he neglected to give me a name. Or specify which band is playing.

Gwydion (Portugalia – Viking/Pagan Metal), Northland (Spania –Viking/Melodic Death Metal), Ava Inferi (Portugalia - Gothic/Doom Metal), Ashes You Leave ( Croaţia - Gothic/Doom Meta), Eisheilig (Germania - Gothic Metal), Omega Lithium (Croaţia - Gothic Metal), Bucovina (România - Folk Metal), Bucium (România - Folk Metal), Concept Insomnia (Germania - Progressive Metal), Tiarra (România - Gothic Metal), Inopia (România - Symphonic Epic Metal), Shesdead (România - Death Metal), Negative Core (România - Death Metal), Hyperborea (Bulgaria - Death Metal), Funebre (Ungaria - Black Metal).
(Eternal Tears of Sorrow, Shesdead, Negative Core, Kistvaen, Concept, Insomnia, Funebre, Hyperborea, Negura Bunget, Inopia, Tiarra, Abigail, Omega Lithium, Einsheilig, Ava Inferi, Ashes You Leave, Bucium, Bucovina, Gwydion, Northland.)

Do I have to explain why? :devil: :devil:
Hell yeah, also motorcyles parades, contests, right in the middle of nowhere, The Carpathian Mountains. What should be more lovely?
Or given that I'd have to carry the flute for about 2 miles, explain why it's at my desk every 45 minutes, have someone hint that they want me to score their flim for free, and just generally make my day annoying/lame I'll pantomime playing the violin.
I've actually seriously been working on the clean bit in While We Mourn. Really hit a major breakthrough last night.
I am debating the Agalloch but am not quite sure how I'd make it home afterwards. Parking here goes for $20.00 most of the time. Then you figure either $0.00 or $20.00 for the venue. Only way I can see affording it is if the guy I used to work for in the band isn't using the revisionist history in which he's never heard of me anymore.
So far as hopping the stage goes, I'm not really opposed. Just bear in mind I sound like a goat and have a memory for lyrics matched only by rotting garbage.