Night Ranger - Somewhere in California

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
To be honest I have no history with NR at all. They are one of those bands I missed when they first hit it big well biggish and I didn't really check them out after I got into melodic rock in a big way about 7-8 years ago. Of course you always hear their name in old lists and they get mentioned in the same bracket as some of the big AOR bands from the US such as Survivor, Journey etc of course without the huge success. Anyway they have surfaced again with a new album which I haven't heard but have now heard the lead single which is damn cool if you ask me. Yes it's a bit cheesy with the lyrics but the tune is playful and fun. I like the keyboards a lot as well. Since I don't really know the band's 'hits' at all well I can judge the new music on it's own merit and it sounds pretty good to me. Those Journey boys could learn a thing or two from the Ranger boys about chilling out a little. The mood is so damn serious on Eclipse all the time. Lighten up guys! Anyway the song rocks and is fun. Any old NR fans with an opinion on this? And melodic rock fans in general?

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I've liked Night Ranger but I'm not a fan of Journey aside from two songs. At the moment it sounds like a typical Night Ranger tune. Its quite in line with their latest stuff as well. I like :)

From their last album

(I own that one too)

A little older from `97 (disregard the live sound)

And even older than that

But then again I just got into Night Ranger a few years ago so O_O
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It's a cool song, I was a big fan of NR's first 3 albums, and then MCA turned them into a pop rock band. Here's one of my favorite songs from them

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For me, the first two albums rocked HARD! The original line up was the best!



and then there was this...ugh!


see the difference? lol
I just listened to the new NIGHT RANGER album from beginning to end, and it did absolutely nothing for me. Bummer!
It's a cool song, I was a big fan of NR's first 3 albums, and then MCA turned them into a pop rock band. Here's one of my favorite songs from them

Agreed about the first three albums and how "Big Life" was a piece of garbage. But I would add one more album, the "Man In Motion" album has some pretty tasty songs. It's not perfect but they found their rock roots again for this album.
Agreed about the first three albums and how "Big Life" was a piece of garbage. But I would add one more album, the "Man In Motion" album has some pretty tasty songs. It's not perfect but they found their rock roots again for this album.

Big Life had 1 excellent song in Rain Comes Crashing Down, other than that I agree its a snore fest. My all time favorite NR song comes off their 1998 album Seven. Song is Sign Of The Times. The video for the song is as low budget as it gets. Jeff Watson rips out the best solos he's ever done.

LOVE THE NEW SONG! Hope the new album is as good
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Agreed about the first three albums and how "Big Life" was a piece of garbage. But I would add one more album, the "Man In Motion" album has some pretty tasty songs. It's not perfect but they found their rock roots again for this album.

Now now, Bruce. I actually like Big Life a lot more than Man in Motion. Color of Your Smile, Carry On, Better Let It Go were good tracks! I only remember liking one song on Man in Motion.

I dig this new track the OP linked. Jack Blades has always been a fantastic song writer, but I have no idea if he wrote this new tune or not. I really like his solo CD with Tommy Shaw (the one of originals, Hallucination, not the one they did with all cover tracks).

Also, extra credit to anyone who knows the connection between Night Ranger and Ozzy Osbourne!

Now now, Bruce. I actually like Big Life a lot more than Man in Motion. Color of Your Smile, Carry On, Better Let It Go were good tracks! I only remember liking one song on Man in Motion.

I dig this new track the OP linked. Jack Blades has always been a fantastic song writer, but I have no idea if he wrote this new tune or not. I really like his solo CD with Tommy Shaw (the one of originals, Hallucination, not the one they did with all cover tracks).

Also, extra credit to anyone who knows the connection between Night Ranger and Ozzy Osbourne!

That's easy! Brad Gillis toured with Ozzy right after Randy Roads died :headbang:
That's easy! Brad Gillis toured with Ozzy right after Randy Roads died :headbang:

And he is the guitarist on Ozzy's Speak of the Devil live album.

I have high hopes for the new Night Ranger (just like I've had high hopes for all of their albums). I've been a fan since I first saw Don't Tell Me You Love Me on MTV when Dawn Patrol was just out.
That's easy! Brad Gillis toured with Ozzy right after Randy Roads died :headbang:

Actually Bernie Torme filled in before Gillis on the Diary tour. I saw this tour with Gillis on guitar and Ozzy with a shaved head. The whole biting the head off the bat was around this time if memory serves correct. I'm still bummed I never got to see Randy.

I'm a huge fan of all things AOR, but I've never really gotten into Night Ranger. They have some very good songs, but I haven't liked any of their albums start-to-finish. They're one of those bands that I'm content just to own a greatest hits collection.
It is incredible that Night Ranger is still doing its thing in 2011. Not the complete original crew mind you but none the less... I have been a NR fan since day one going back to the early '80s and for my money Night Ranger have never made a bad record. At their best they could totally blow the @$$ off pretty much any other band sporting twin guitars. They have always been a fun group to follow and are having fun doing what they do. They have their detractors as you might expect but IMHO they did the pop-rock thing as well as any band ever has. The new record is very much vintage Night Ranger and easily keeps their streak alive for my ears at least. But still this stuff gets completely outdistanced by my mighty PROG... as it should.
It is incredible that Night Ranger is still doing its thing in 2011. Not the complete original crew mind you but none the less... I have been a NR fan since day one going back to the early '80s and for my money Night Ranger have never made a bad record. At their best they could totally blow the @$$ off pretty much any other band sporting twin guitars. They have always been a fun group to follow and are having fun doing what they do. They have their detractors as you might expect but IMHO they did the pop-rock thing as well as any band ever has. The new record is very much vintage Night Ranger and easily keeps their streak alive for my ears at least. But still this stuff gets completely outdistanced by my mighty PROG... as it should.
The new album is fantastic!! Best album since their 2nd one. Rocks harder than some new Metal albums that have been released lately too
I'm really digging the new NR disc! It starts out a little more "modern" sounding (except for the first single), but by somewhere around song 4 or 5 there are a few melodic masterpieces that could've been on the first couple albums. After a few listens I'm even loving the more modern sounding songs. I haven't had a NR disc grab me like this in a long, long time.