
Loved them for years. Interest started waning with the last album. Decent, but not the same caliber. I've seen a lot of live shows and Anette is hot and cold, when she's hot, their shows are still fun, but when she's cold, well, it's a rough night. Still, I'll get the next CD and see how it goes.
Still one of the finest bands out there. Holopainen is a musical genius. Marco stirs the drink. The rest comes for the ride. Dark Passion Play is a solid listen and still a great band live.
Still my favorite band, Tuomas is a genius when it comes to writing. These are some of the most humble, fun loving people to be around. I have been to like 10 shows of theirs and have never been disappointed. I can't wait for the new album and tour.
I've dreamed of seeing Oceanborn played live all the way through. I still consider it among my top 10 favorite albums ever. I've been a huge Nightwish fan for a long while, but never got to see the band in it's prime (ala somewhere between Oceanborn and Once) They've never played here in Salt Lake. I was fortunate to catch them at Wacken 08, and while i think that Holopainen is still writing primo jams, i don't personally feel that the music comes across with the same type of fire that got me into the band originally. Hahaha, I blame it on the vocals...

I think Annette is a good singer, but side with AMBR on the fact that her live performance has often left me disappointed. I believe I understand why the boys decided against picking a vocalist that was similar in style to Tarja, but I really wish they would've kept the same type of formula. I just don't think that Annette comes anywhere near the majesty that Nightwish's reputation has built, and she leaves Tuomas' beautiful music from reaching it's full potential! There are MANY wonderful Nightwish songs that Annette butchers live, or just flat out cannot sing, (anyone heard her botch Ghost Love Score? :cry: ) and that really makes me sad to know that there is a slim to none chance of hearing those types of songs performed.
I don't know, I prefer Nightwish with Annette, or at least Tarja from Century Child on. I loved Oceanborn and Wishmaster when they first came out, but now the overly dramatic operatic vocals put me off. I much preferred the more pop style that Tarja started to use in Century Child and Once(while still going operatic when it was appropriate for the song). Once Tarja left, it was natural that Nightwish would continue in that direction, and Annette was an outstanding fit. Definitely excited to see what direction they go in after Dark Passion Play.
Not to sound bitter but Annette sux! I've tried listening to Dark Passion play, just can't get into it. Can't get past the vocals. Nightwish is still one of my favorite bands but I just don't understand how you can have one of the greatest female vocalist in metal, kick her out and then replace her with someone who can't sing. I just don't get it. Kinda reminds me back when Bruce Dickinson left Maiden...they didn't even try to replace him.

I read a post somewhere and someone had posted that what happened in 05' was the Nightwish fans and the Tarja fans seperated. I guess that is somewhat true but damnit I love them both.
My favorite albums are Oceanborn and Century Child. I think Wishmaster and Once are both overrated. Once and Dark Passion Play both have a problem of, they surround some really good songs with way too much filler.
Not to sound bitter but Annette sux! I've tried listening to Dark Passion play, just can't get into it. Can't get past the vocals. Nightwish is still one of my favorite bands but I just don't understand how you can have one of the greatest female vocalist in metal, kick her out and then replace her with someone who can't sing. I just don't get it. Kinda reminds me back when Bruce Dickinson left Maiden...they didn't even try to replace him.

I read a post somewhere and someone had posted that what happened in 05' was the Nightwish fans and the Tarja fans seperated. I guess that is somewhat true but damnit I love them both.

You do sound quite bitter... Did Annette refuse to sign your chest or something?
I've dreamed of seeing Oceanborn played live all the way through. I still consider it among my top 10 favorite albums ever. I've been a huge Nightwish fan for a long while, but never got to see the band in it's prime (ala somewhere between Oceanborn and Once) They've never played here in Salt Lake. I was fortunate to catch them at Wacken 08, and while i think that Holopainen is still writing primo jams, i don't personally feel that the music comes across with the same type of fire that got me into the band originally. Hahaha, I blame it on the vocals...

I think Annette is a good singer, but side with AMBR on the fact that her live performance has often left me disappointed. I believe I understand why the boys decided against picking a vocalist that was similar in style to Tarja, but I really wish they would've kept the same type of formula. I just don't think that Annette comes anywhere near the majesty that Nightwish's reputation has built, and she leaves Tuomas' beautiful music from reaching it's full potential! There are MANY wonderful Nightwish songs that Annette butchers live, or just flat out cannot sing, (anyone heard her botch Ghost Love Score? :cry: ) and that really makes me sad to know that there is a slim to none chance of hearing those types of songs performed.

My sentiments exactly. I don't think Annette is a bad singer, but she just isn't the right singer for Nightwish. Tuomas writes some of the best music, and I agree in that their potential will never be reached unless they find someone similar to Tarja in style. I still like Dark Passion Play, but I refuse to see them live again due to some of Annette's butchering the older songs. "Wishmaster" was particularly painful to listen to.
I went thru a bit of a Nightwish phase a few years back, but now I never reach for their discs. I thought Tarja was the show for this band .... once she was gone I completely lost interest. My favorite by a long stretch is Wishmaster.

Nightwish is still one of my favorite bands but I just don't understand how you can have one of the greatest female vocalist in metal, kick her out and then replace her with someone who can't sing.

There were signs of trouble between Tarja, her hubby/manager, and the rest of Nightwish going pretty far back, as our own Glenn H. has posted in the past. As I recall, when they finally DID part ways with Tarja, Glenn mentioned that he was surprised it hadn't happened a year before that.

You don't part ways with a singer of Tarja's caliber lightly....and Nightwish didn't. There were solid reasons underlying their decision.

Having said that, their performance at ProgPower USA IV, which I co-sponsored, remains one of the finest -- and most heart-wrenching -- shows I will EVER see.
I love them, but prefer the Tarja albums, with Once as my favorite. I was really into Dark Passion Play for the first year that it was out, but I really got into the Tarja albums again afterwards. I'm looking forward to seeing what they do with the next album.

Read the book "Along Came a Nightwish," as it really gives a lot of insight into the split with Tarja. I couldn't believe when I read that Tarja and her husband told the band to turn down an opening slot for METALLICA in Europe because they wanted to be paid more money.
Just like Nevermore.

You're out of your mind. :lol:

Anyways, from a songwriting point of view, I think Nightwish can still write some great songs. However, they're not the same band. They used to be great, now with Anette I dare say they're okay. I don't always like her vocals (her tone is weird at times), I don't like her style, I don't like her stupid outfits sometimes (last NYC show at Nokia, anyone? Wrapped in old newspaper?), and I don't like the fact that she can't handle the pressure and walks off stage crying. However, I like some songs with her like The Poet and the Pendulum.
I think Tuomas has gotten a lot stronger as a composer over the years, but Annette just seems really limited as a vocalist. To me, she doesn't stand out in the crowd like Tarja did. Now, I know getting rid of Tarja was probably necessary for them and replacing her is a pretty impossible job, but I felt that they could have done better.

It is sad for me the say this, but the best vocal work on the album is one of the songs she doesn't sing on. (The Islander)