Nocturnal Rites and Morgana Lefay photos posted

Incredible galleries, Fiddler!! The Morgana Lefay pics are great! My favorites are 18, 22, & 23 :)

Noctural Rites was so much fun to watch! Thanks for the awesome pics that totally capture what it was like!! I love numbers 5, 18, 24, and 28! You must have been standing right by me for that last one.

Thanks a million! Your photos are amazing!

Thanks for sharing these amazing shots with everyone. These shots are outstanding. It is easy to see why you are the official photographer for the ProgPower festivals.

It didn't dawn on me that you were the fella walking around with the hulking 2 foot camera lens until I saw these shots and saw that you were from Madison. We met many years ago at an Iced Earth show.

Oh yeah.. congrats on a job well done on the Iced Earth DVD!

Jasonic said:
Hey MetalSeamstress,
You were right in front of me during Nocturnal Rites!
(Remember you from your avatar pic)

Awesome! I hope you had a good time, I met a lot
of people and it is hard to keep track(specially after
a few beers he he) but I remember faces better
then names also! Next time intro yourself I don't bite (much)!
I hope I did'nt step on your toes!