Not So Happy Turkey Day

Jan 6, 2010
I hope everyone had a better one than me! I was robbed $60 at knife point. At least i'm alive and it was only 60, but it was money to place my next order. Damn! I wanted to fight the SOB off, but i got two kids i dont wanna take the chance to leave fatherless. Damn assholes in this world! Sorry for the language, but i had to vent!
On a better note, i have a question for you Ken. Will you be bringing in any of the following new releases by these bands? They are: Almah, Astral Doors, Awake and Morifade. I see i can get them elsewhere, but i want to give you the op to sell them to me first! Any info will be greatly appreciated after my day was ruined. Thanks!
Sorry to hear it, brother. Lots of a-holes in this world and you happened to cross paths with one. What goes around comes around, just remember that.