Observations from Wacken


Jul 19, 2002
Las Vegas
Just got home from the WOA in Germany, quite an experience! Just thought I'd post for those going to PP4 this year on a couple items--

RAGE - Kicked ass! I wasn't even much of a fan going in, but they were definately a quality band who worked the audience very well. I don't remember the guitarist's name (not an original member), but he was easily one of the top 5 at the whole festival. They'll probably be one of the odd bands on this year's bill, but I think most people will be impressed, if not surprised at how much they like them.

MASTERPLAN - Awesome. Would be a killer band for next year. Lande is such a great singer, and the top notch professionalism was obvious. Real veterans, and it showed. Even did a Helloween medley.

CIRCLE II CIRCLE - Some very good songs, a bit of a letdown, though. They did a couple Savatage covers, which is cool, but they picked from the worst of the list. Then they finished up with 'Sanitarium' from Metallica! For a new band, I would have preferred to hear as much of their own original material as possible during their short set.

FREEDOM CALL - Boring, bad, more watered down than a Big Gulp on a hot summer day. Bad impression of Gamma Ray/Helloween/Hammerfall, etc. I hope they never play ProgPower.

RUNNING WILD - I know a lot of people asked for this band at ProgPower. Very good live band, lots of energy, very entertaining. Only complaint is that they played too many newer, slower songs that didn't really capture the crowd. The older tunes went over VERY well. Picture 25,000+ chanting the chorus to 'Under Jolly Roger'. Cool.

PRIMAL FEAR - Ralf Sheepers has improved so much since his early days, it's amazing. Hard to understand how he didn't get the Judas Priest job over Ripper Owens. Way more stage presence, too. Great classic German power metal band that would be awesome at next year's PP5. Anyone who likes Gamma Ray or classic Judas Priest should dig these guys. They absolutely rocked.

STRATOVARIUS - I know everyone wanted these guys this year (almost everyone...), and they didn't disappoint, especially on the huge stage with thousands of fans and a boatload of pyro. Still, Kotipelto gets a bit cheesy sometimes. Still very fun to see, and I know they would have rocked PP this year. Maybe next... ??

Count my votes for Masterplan and Primal Fear for PP5.
What did the Helloween medley consist of? Was Freedom Call really that bad? I actually really like their albums, and their singer is pretty good. That was a shock to hear.
I might go to Wacken next year. Every true metal warrior should at least once in his/her life make a pilgrimage to the heavy metal mecca of the world: Wacken!!!
I met metal71 during (I think) Freedom Call's set...it didn't look like you weren't enjoying them to me! ;)

I'll add a few observations of my own:

Rage: didn't watch them, though the place was going bonkers

Masterplan: listened from off in the distance, again, not enough to give any real insights

Circle II Circle: had taken the stage just as we arrived, they sounded pretty good but then again I had just begun drinking Jack Daniels

Freedom Call: ha! this is one of the bands I was most excited to see and they didn't disappoint! I mean, you know what you're getting, no? Euro power metal anthems. They rocked, and were easily the best power metal band of the weekend, right after Stratovarius.

Running Wild: also rocked, though I didn't get to hear a lot of the early-to-mid-90s stuff I was hoping for. The Germans love these guys!

Primal Fear: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Now that Judas Priest is back together, what's the point of this band continuing?

Stratovarius: one of the huge surprises for me since I really don't like any of their albums. They're smart enough to play all rockers live and put on an awesome show.

Of course, this list doesn't encompass the COMPLETE AND TOTAL METAL AWESOMENESS (is that a word?) that was Slayer. Testament. Thyrfing. Ancient Rites. The Crown. Dew-Scented. Callenish Circle. Carpathian Forest. Dark Funeral. Twisted Sister. Yes, Twisted Sister (who got the surprise award for the weekend from moi).

Also, biggest 2 disappointments: Gamma Ray and Soilwork. Gamma Ray seemed only interested in playing the rare, obscure stuff that's soon coming out on the 'Skeletons in the Closet' live disc. Which is all well and good. WHEN YOU GET TO SEE THEM TOUR FOUR TIMES A YEAR LIKE MOST EUROPEANS. They sucked. And Soilwork, they seriously just ought to hang it up. Worst band of the weekend.