Off Topic - Ozzfest's Maiden Fiasco

This is a fucking tragedy!! I cant believe that Kelly and fucking stupid friends would throw eggs at Gods of Metal!!! Kelly is fucking CUNT, so is her fucking slut ass whore CUNTRAG mother Sharon!!! Iron Maiden is way fucking better Sabbath any day out of the week!! God Damnit I cant believe the audacity of those god damn people. I cant remeber I was this infuriated.
Regardless of anything that did or didn't go on behind the scenes, cutting off the PA and Sharon coming out and calling someone a prick is uncalled for and unprofessional. Sounds like she was trying to justify the crap that went on by saying "well, he's a prick so he deserved it." It's supposed to be about the people who paid for the tickets, not whether you're bosom buddies. :p


Okay, next year someone needs to sponsor Stratovarius for the next Ozzfest....maybe Jens can pee on Sharon next. :lol:
awesome... there's one less crappily-managed show I have to worry about from now on...

... and to think I thought I was missing out by not having attended OzzFest at least once. Fuck Ozzy, Sharon, and everything directly related to them.
This kind of shit sucks, but I don't feel real bad for Bruce Dickinson. He's been slagging the USA and the American metal fans all year long. He's already threatened to never tour here again prior to this incident. This dude has profitted millions from this country, and still he doesn't have a good thing to say about it, or it's music fans. I think he's a big fucking hypocrite. He's making big dough working Ozzfest I'd think, and apperently he's been bashing it too. The guy is a prick, but that dumb shit Sharon should have been professional enough to let them finish up the tour and then be done with them.

Wow. Unbelievable. I blew off driving 3 hours for Ozzfest in favor of free Velvet Revolver tickets here in Vegas last night. Glad I did, because all I really cared to see was Iron Maiden. Good for Bruce. Incidentally, reading through the Blabbermouth posts, there are a few idiots suggesting an anti-US bias coming from Iron Maiden. This makes no sense; Bruce's MP3 rants were obviously directed at specific individuals within the Ozzfest camp, not the paying (US) fans in attendance. Add to that the fact that supposed chief instigator Sharon Osbourne is NOT an American, but a Brit like the rest of Maiden. Sad. Makes me rethink the whole Osbourne clan. Whereas I used to think they were pathetic and loveable, I now see them as pathetic assholes. Bad idea to risk a golden legacy with so little time left on the clock for Ozzy's career...

And Maiden still kicks ass.
Well.....Bruce has been bashing Ozzfest and Ozzy on the tour, so it's not exactly like this is completely unexpected, although it's completely unprofessional which fits the nature of Ozzfest quite well. I've read about that already. The fact still remains that Sharon Osbourne is an evil bitch and that Bruce kicks her and Ozzy's (worst excuse for a singer ever) asses.
Is anyone really surprised that the Osbournes would do something like this? I only ever watched a couple episodes of the tv show, before I became ill, but they are the biggest bunch of loud mouthed, foul mouthed, white trash people I've ever seen. Just because you're famous and have millions of dollars, doesn't mean you have one iota of class.

I have my issues with Bruce, as well, and he is a bit of a prick and a whiner, but this incident only confirms my feelings for the whole Osbourne clan. Ozzy & Sharon, and those two little trolls they call children, are poor excuses for human beings.
Definitely. This would have been completely stupid even if it was actually some kind of reality show joke, so the fact that she's actually doing this with malicious intent is totally trashy.
DarkTide said:
This kind of shit sucks, but I don't feel real bad for Bruce Dickinson. He's been slagging the USA and the American metal fans all year long. He's already threatened to never tour here again prior to this incident. This dude has profitted millions from this country, and still he doesn't have a good thing to say about it, or it's music fans. I think he's a big fucking hypocrite. He's making big dough working Ozzfest I'd think, and apperently he's been bashing it too. The guy is a prick, but that dumb shit Sharon should have been professional enough to let them finish up the tour and then be done with them.


I don't think Bruce has "slagged the USA" as you say, yes, he has said some poignant things about SOME people at US shows but are they false? I don't think so. If Bruce was so wrong then something like ProgPower would fill out 10,000 seat places, dont ya think?

I think it's funny how we say "This is the greatest country in the speech, blah blah blah" yet we only support free speech if we like what we are hearing...sounds hypocritical to me.

This was utterly unprofessional, it is very clear that it was perpetrated, or at the least, sponsored, by that money grubbing bitch Sharon. It is not right to do something like that that to any band, it's even worse if you are doing it to a band that so obviously SAVED Ozzfest from being a failure this year...lets just wait and see how those numbers come in with Velvet Revolver as headliners....

I for one have never supported anything Osbourne, never watched the show, never bought an Ozzy cd that I remember..and certanily NEVER attended a trendy shit ass show like Ozzfest .Hell they've had some good bands on the bill(and they do now) yet those good bands are relegated to 9:00am slots while CRAP like Mudvayne and Slipknot get headlining status, bullshit.
TBJ said:
I think it's funny how we say "This is the greatest country in the speech, blah blah blah" yet we only support free speech if we like what we are hearing...sounds hypocritical to me.
Supporting free speech and agreeing with what the speaker says are two totally different things. Also, to go along with your thought, isn't the person above, that you quoted, just execising his/her right to free speech?

I think Bruce has said aome very ridiculous things, and very mis-guided, but there is no way I would want him to be silenced. Just as I would like to be able to respond to his remarks without having someone question my stance on free speech. I couldn't disagree more with the klan, but, again, I would hope that I could ridicule their assine statements without fear of retribution for wanting to abridge someone's right to free speech.
TheWhisper said:
Supporting free speech and agreeing with what the speaker says are two totally different things. Also, to go along with your thought, isn't the person above, that you quoted, just execising his/her right to free speech?

I think Bruce has said aome very ridiculous things, and very mis-guided, but there is no way I would want him to be silenced. Just as I would like to be able to respond to his remarks without having someone question my stance on free speech. I couldn't disagree more with the klan, but, again, I would hope that I could ridicule their assine statements without fear of retribution for wanting to abridge someone's right to free speech.

dude, I agree with what you say, so that's that..but the whole "klan" thing, what's that about? lol
I do agree that Bruce is a prick and I think he's stuck on himself and I get tired of his rants

However, Sharron should not have done what she did. Unprofessional and just flat out rude.