Oh The Irony!!! - Portnoy dismissed

It's not like he was fired or anything. When they originally announced he would be working with them, they did say it would be through the end of 2010. And it's the end of 2010, so he honored his commitment.
The new DT drummer is...Mike Portnoy. Come on, this is a publicity stunt. Now, Mike's done with AVENGED SEVENFOLD. Perfect timing to announce that Mike Portnoy is DT's new drummer and they'll be back in 2011 with their best album and best tour ever and they're all in love with one another all over again. Blah, blah, blah...

I posted this in the other "Guess the DT drummer" thread and I still believe this is how it will go.
It's not like he was fired or anything. When they originally announced he would be working with them, they did say it would be through the end of 2010. And it's the end of 2010, so he honored his commitment.

Yeah but later on he did say that "it looked like he was gonna be with them throughout 2011."
I don't know what to think of this. On one side I say it's no big deal since it's what they said to begin with. On the other, if that was indeed the case it makes his leaving DT even more strange. However, if he figured he was going to be hired as the main drummer, that was silly. I completely understand A7X getting rid of him, because they're smart enough to know that he's eventually going to either rejoin DT or do some other projects that will conflict and they need stability.
Portnoy doesn't really have the A7X persona. Wouldn't have made sense for him to stay as a main member anyhow. Portnoy has plenty of other things he's working on.
The new DT drummer is...Mike Portnoy. Come on, this is a publicity stunt. Now, Mike's done with AVENGED SEVENFOLD. Perfect timing to announce that Mike Portnoy is DT's new drummer and they'll be back in 2011 with their best album and best tour ever and they're all in love with one another all over again. Blah, blah, blah...

I posted this in the other "Guess the DT drummer" thread and I still believe this is how it will go.
I did too. Not sure it really is, but I've been suspicious all along. What I really hope doesn't happen, is they hire someone, work with them briefly, then go back to Mike in the above scenario. That would be cruel to the other drummer. I really hope it isn't true, 'cause those who auditioned were very serious about joining DT.
I did too. Not sure it really is, but I've been suspicious all along. What I really hope doesn't happen, is they hire someone, work with them briefly, then go back to Mike in the above scenario. That would be cruel to the other drummer. I really hope it isn't true, 'cause those who auditioned were very serious about joining DT.

Given that the reasons he gave for leaving didn't have much to do with his gig with A7X, I doubt it. He said he wanted a break from DT, and it was only us who speculated that he did it to play with A7X.
You Portnoy haters crack me up. Way back when he first started touring with them, it was just for 2010. I don't see the irony of things turning out exactly how they initially planned. Plus, Mike has so many projects, its not like he's out a job. For all he cares, he could start his own band.

As for returning to DT, I'm kinda interested in seeing what they do w/o him for 1 album. He can return after that lol.
I just don't understand why people can't take things for face value:
1) He felt he needed a break from DT. He left.
2) He has stated his liking of A7X, esp their drummer who died MANY times in the past. The opening was there, and he joined a band he liked.
3) He is a publicity machine, and A7X isn't, and they didn't want drama. As others have said, he originally was only brought on board for 2010.
4) Finally, he is Mike Portnoy. As others said, he is in many bands. He will do fine without A7X.

Not that I truly care one way or another, but I would seriously hope he would have more integrity than to go back. Furthermore, I can't say he would even be welcomed back.
AX7 press release:

Orange County, California's AVENGED SEVENFOLD has released the following statement:

"For the past few months, we've been blessed with Mike Portnoy's talent and humanity.

"When Mike agreed to tour with us, it was only through the end of 2010. We always knew we'd need to find another solution for 2011 and beyond. And it's time for us to take that next step.

"We know we are not ready to add another permanent member of AVENGED SEVENFOLD. We don't know if we will ever be. But if we do, it will only be with someone who is not only a brilliant drummer, but also someone we've gotten to know well on the road and off, and who you the fans have had a chance to get to know, and hopefully accept. In other words, in this family, we take these steps together, band and our extended fan family.

"We are lucky to be surrounded by so many friends, many of whom knew [late AVENGED SEVENFOLD drummer] Jimmy ['The Rev' Sullivan] very well personally, as well as our band and Jimmy's drumming talent and style. These friends have introduced us to several amazing drummers. We have decided to take one of them out starting in January. He will not be a member of AVENGED SEVENFOLD. He will be someone you and we are getting to know. Perhaps this drummer will be a fit. Perhaps not. One thing is for sure. Over time we will find someone who helps us continue our quest to make the music we love for the fans we love.

"Mike and the band agree that can't be him. Why? Long before there was an AVENGED SEVENFOLD, there were members of this band who looked up to Mike and, in Jimmy's case, learned a lot from watching Mike play. He is a brilliant writer, producer and, of course, drummer. Because of that, the world and we would always see it as AVENGED SEVENFOLD with Mike Portnoy.

"We take a lot of pride in AVENGED SEVENFOLD being about something greater than any individuals. It's about the music, the fans and the friends and family we have as well as continuing our best friends legacy.

"Please give whoever we try your love and support....and the benefit of the doubt. They won't be Jimmy. Who could be? But he will be himself, with his own special talents and creativity. And that's all we could ever look for.

"Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts for everything you've done love and support us and help us get back on our feet."
This thread needs pics:
Though I don't care for A7X, that press release was very well written.

I completely respect their reasoning for not wanting to be "AVENGED SEVENFOLD with MIKE PORTNOY"

The reality though is that about 95% of their fanbase realistically have no clue who MP is, so in reality that wouldn't be that much of an issue.