Oh wow....


PPUSA Driver o' Doom!!!!!
Apr 25, 2003
Atlanta, Ga
It was great to meet some new people this year, which surprised me given how busy Glenn and Shane kept me. But I would like to say it was wonderful, given the ups and downs, and CREW FUCKING ROCKS! It was a pleasure to work with you all again and I hope to be counted as part of crew again next year!
I hate that it is over waaaaaaay too quickly! But I'm glad I finally got hugs to go with the screenname, etc etc etc! Scott and I are seriously contemplating the coming in on Wednesday thing now ourselves! Ya need at LEAST 4 good days of hanging out to 3 awesome nites of rocking music and friends! ARGH! At least Atlanta is only a 9 hour chariot drive away right? ;)

freakchylde said:
*slaps forehead* I just got that. Yeah, my brain is a bit frozen today.


I'm afraid this time that I believe you, so sorry to say.

(Maybe three other people on this forum are getting these sneaky references*; to the others, I apologize. They'll fadeaway shortly. :D )

* apologies to Klayton Scott
freakchylde said:
It was great to meet some new people this year, which surprised me given how busy Glenn and Shane kept me. But I would like to say it was wonderful, given the ups and downs, and CREW FUCKING ROCKS! It was a pleasure to work with you all again and I hope to be counted as part of crew again next year!

How is the leg babe??? :loco:

Damnit, now I've got to play the CD. Again.

--Celldweller's self-titled, for those of you who are wondering WTF. :) No, it isn't metal (well, not mostly). Yes, it's diverse. Yes, it's great.
freakchylde said:
Yes, I'm evil, but Klayton will thank me for it.

Let's hope he can do so in person, and soon! They're working on a new CD now, and it's realllly been too long since they played here. :worship:

If any of you remember a band called Circle of Dust, Klayton was the frontman and driving force behind them. Celldweller is his current project. Very cool guy.