Oliva/JOP video PART 1: The Making of "FESTIVAL"


Jan 23, 2004
Thought we would try something different.
Informative and funny as well....
Hope you enjoy it!

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That was great! "Festival" is my favorite cut as well.

I had a review written up and then read another written by Frode and threw mine in the trash. I felt rather small after that.

I do stand by something I wrote in it it though. "For me, attempting to criticize Oliva's music is like going to your grandmother's house for Sunday dinner and telling her how to cook the roast after enjoying it for 30 years. I would fully expect to get the shit slapped out of me for it and would expect no less from Jon."
I do stand by something I wrote in it it though. "For me, attempting to criticize Oliva's music is like going to your grandmother's house for Sunday dinner and telling her how to cook the roast after enjoying it for 30 years. I would fully expect to get the shit slapped out of me for it and would expect no less from Jon."

:lol:...that pretty much sums it up! Thank you for the post Chris! :kickass:

Glenn...you literary genious you...we want that review posted asap!

Chop-chop already!