OS X Mavericks

I'm thinking about throwing it on my MacBook. My studio iMac is still on 10.6.8! Is mavericks 10.9? Damn. Three releases behind.
Upgraded, no problems here with Logic Pro 9 or anything else so far.

I can see how it was a free update though... Only difference I'm noticing are the Finder tabs which I like using, but nothing else seems particularly different. Maybe it's that the rest of the updates don't really affect my build so much.
From what I read quickly there have been quite a few "under the hood" type improvements, like memory compression and things which you don't see but should help things run a little more smoothly.
Upgraded, no problems here with Logic Pro 9 or anything else so far.

I can see how it was a free update though... Only difference I'm noticing are the Finder tabs which I like using, but nothing else seems particularly different. Maybe it's that the rest of the updates don't really affect my build so much.

So Logic is running smoothly huh? That's really what I wanted to know. I'm not in any hurry though.
I installed it yesterday. Lion had been pretty crap to me - even had to reinstall it once after some of Lion's kext's got corrupted and my MBP couldn't boot -, so I was too intrigued and had to try it out. It seems even PT9 is working on my system, although I only tried running a smallish session for a little bit. Going to try a 15:45 long ~80 track project later. If I can edit that on it, I'm fine - I've ditched PT9 for everything else already, but I still need to finish some edits. Logic 9 works beautifully, and I finally got rid of the slow GUI bug that's been bugging me to no end. Seems to be a bit faster overall than Lion. And my battery life jumped up by about an hour, which is always nice.

Overall, I'm pretty happy with it, especially after Lion.

Essentially it means plugins will not be able to access the deeper workings of the file-system, and they wont be able to call external processes, nor will it be able to communicate with other processes... meaning even something as simple as authorizing a plugin from your host all of a sudden becomes a MASSIVE ballache for the user and developer alike. You can't even elevate your permissions temporarily (very common during an installation) without digital signatures from Apple.

I don't know for certain, but it looks like Apple are trying to push all audiounits to go through the app store, because they want their 30% cut - at which point... goodbye 3rd party plugins for Logic!

It would be uncouth of me to make a Nazi-Party comparison right now.... I'll leave Godwin at the door.
Fucking Apple. That's the first time I've said that. Feels strange. I suppose this is all being done for our safety?(yeah right, $$$) Well I don't feel threatened assholes.

Well, I'll sit back and see what happens before I do any upgrading. If it goes the way some people are saying in that thread I might have to jump ship.

Thanks by the way dude.
They've updated the OS to use SMB2 as its file sharing protocol which I'm hoping helps somewhat with Active Directory integration; something which historically has been bordering on awful - integrating macs in an unperfected Windows networked environment is a shitstorm.
Fucking Apple. That's the first time I've said that. Feels strange. I suppose this is all being done for our safety?(yeah right, $$$) Well I don't feel threatened assholes.

Well, I'll sit back and see what happens before I do any upgrading. If it goes the way some people are saying in that thread I might have to jump ship.

Thanks by the way dude.

No worries.

Thing is, it may sound like scare tactics... but I think back to how they basically fucked all the Emagic customers in the ass. I know a guy who sunk a lot of money into his Logic Platinum setup over the years, for them to basically brick his shit and screw his update path overnight.

He moved to Cubase and Ableton Live soon after!!

Essentially it means plugins will not be able to access the deeper workings of the file-system, and they wont be able to call external processes, nor will it be able to communicate with other processes... meaning even something as simple as authorizing a plugin from your host all of a sudden becomes a MASSIVE ballache for the user and developer alike. You can't even elevate your permissions temporarily (very common during an installation) without digital signatures from Apple.

I don't know for certain, but it looks like Apple are trying to push all audiounits to go through the app store, because they want their 30% cut - at which point... goodbye 3rd party plugins for Logic!

It would be uncouth of me to make a Nazi-Party comparison right now.... I'll leave Godwin at the door.


Wish I'd have known that earlier. Oh well, here's to hoping they won't be complete morons about what to do next.

PT9 is working better on Mavericks than it did on Lion, even though it shouldn't be working in the first place. I just edited a song and made a quick mix. Only one DAE error in all the hours I spent, whereas on Lion I'd get them randomly on a 512 buffer without any plugins, while using 3 cores out of 8 available (because 4 of them are virtual and PT apparently doesn't dig them).

I'm kind of liking this, I admit.
Attention, those who use WD MyBook Studio HD II's - DO NOT UPGRADE, or at least have backups on a different kind of hard drive before attempting.

Mavericks may remove ALL FILES from your HD of the said model.



Luckily, mine is an older Studio model, so nothing seems to have lost. Just thought to let you guys know, though - MyBook Studios are pretty common for mac externals, and losing all project data completely is the worst possible nightmare for all of us!