Overkill at ProgPower?


you can call me RRrrr!!
Aug 22, 2008
I have been thinking about this for awhile now, but do you think Overkill could do ProgPower? I mean they have about as much in common with Power Metal as Amorphis had in common with Progressive Metal.

But just something I had been thinking about wanted to know what some of yall thought.
don't really quite understand your Amorphis comparison since they're more "progressive" than most bands that play this fest...they just don't wank off to Dream Theater.

Overkill would be cool though. they tour fairly often though.
I mean they have about as much in common with Power Metal as Amorphis had in common with Progressive Metal.
I have to agree with dcowboys311; Amorphis is one of the more progressive bands to play the festival. The only way Amorphis doesn't fit a festival like ProgPower, is if your definition of "Prog" excludes anything with harsh vocals.
if you book someone like Overkill....then the doors are pretty much open for any band then. If you are going off of how many tours and who should get booked.....Tyr has already hit here 4 times in a few years, twice this year already so if you are talking about getting bands to be exclusive....it kind of gets hard nowadays. I dont think Overkill would work at something like Progpower. It would be cool but I think they would fall under the Prog or Power name. Sure there are the oddball bands but Overkill would definetly have the prog fans leaving the room.
I'd rather not see them at ProgPower. Probably the biggest strength of ProgPower is that the fest doesn't offer just any good metal band - it's that it focuses on offering prog and power metal bands.
Zod - true, but it all boils down to how much Glenn likes Overkill anyhow LOL.
Actually... I don't know that's true... perhaps he'll comment. However, I would guess Glenn wouldn't have a non-Prog or Power headliner, as it would cost the festival some of its identity (e.g. CPF). Now, perhaps he'll simply adapt as the festival moves forwards. But under the current model, I would think he would choose to keep things pure.
Actually... I don't know that's true... perhaps he'll comment. However, I would guess Glenn wouldn't have a non-Prog or Power headliner, as it would cost the festival some of its identity (e.g. CPF). Now, perhaps he'll simply adapt as the festival moves forwards. But under the current model, I would think he would choose to keep things pure.

I would have no problem booking a wildcard headline band that would draw outside of our "faithful" if two conditions were met:

1. It would have to have some crossover appeal specifically to prog or power fans (much like Amorphis did). My defintion of "prog" extends beyond the DT mold.
2. It would have to be an exclusive appearance to concrete sales.

That criteria would be very difficult to meet, but not necessarily impossible. I'd book an opposite headliner that would satisfy the faithful.

The overall roster will remain tried and true. However, I have no problem shaking up the status quo. Status quo = slow death.
Well my only experience with Amorphis was their set at PP which seemed just like a Death set, not that i didnt like it, I did. And i didnt think that glenn would just out pick overkill but he had mention possibly widening the scope of bands, and if that was going to happen then Overkill with it Speed metal Style would be a good fit because of the connections between speed and power metal.
I remember being surprised when Amorphis was announced for progpower. I was already a big fan but was not sure I wanted to see them at progpower, seeing as I had seen them prior and they didn't fit the exact mold. Their set that year was easily one of my favorite shows I have ever seen though. So I would be open to headliners who don't fall directly into the prog/power scene, at least by common definition. With that said, I would not want to see Overkill at progpower.
IMO, Amorphis was one of the best-ever choices for a PP headliner.

I'm going to have to disagree. I almost nodded off more than once during their set. I usually space out if I:

1. don't know anything by the band
2. can't follow the vocals because they're growly

I like stuff I can understand and/or sing along with and Amorphis just didn't do it for me. Pretty much the only reason I sat through it was to see the video afterwards.
I believe it's one thing to have a "wildcard" as an opener or a mid-tier band. However, Overkill would be both a "wildcard" and a headliner.

This. My sentiments exactly.

if you book someone like Overkill....then the doors are pretty much open for any band then. If you are going off of how many tours and who should get booked.....Tyr has already hit here 4 times in a few years, twice this year already so if you are talking about getting bands to be exclusive....it kind of gets hard nowadays. I dont think Overkill would work at something like Progpower. It would be cool but I think they would fall under the Prog or Power name. Sure there are the oddball bands but Overkill would definetly have the prog fans leaving the room.

Also this.