phone Interview with Hardrock Haven posted!


C-C-Cool Beans!!!
as posted on our website!

An audio interview with bassist Dustin Mitchell has been posted at Hardrock as well as a live review of the CD release party, published this week in City Weekly Magazine!

Journalist Derric Miller of Hardrock chatted with Katagory V bassist Dustin Mitchell about their new CD, The Rising Anger, the direction the band took with a harder edge combined with more melodies, what the metal scene is like in Salt Lake City (or lack thereof), how there is no X-Men influence on the album cover art, and a whole lot more.

Here is a small excerpt from the phone interview:

HardRock Haven: Your new CD "The Rising Anger" was just released - now, the cover of your last CD, "A New Breed of Rebellion", had this Gun-welding woman holding a child’s hand, amidst the ruins of a futuristic city. Is the album cover (to the new album "The Rising Anger") a continuation of that story?

Dustin Mitchell: Yeah, it kind of is because there was a bit of a concept with the second album, and it followed into the third and kind of had a lot to do with the bands perspective as being musicians and what it’s like playing metal. From a Musicians perspective as well as a fans perspective what it means to be into metal music. Yeah, it kind of seems like metal has come back into the fold again, But, as an artist of our stature which is very, very small (Laughs) We have no penis envy about that by the way! (Laughs) We’re okay with it…

HRH: (Laughing)

DM: But umm…. The whole concept (of the 2nd album "A New Breed of Rebellion") was that, even in a world of massive crap, you know, you have to have some strength -

HRH: Right…

DM: -to stand for yourself, be what you are and not take any crap from anybody about who you are and what you listen to. You like the music you like because you want to, not because someone is forcing it down you throat. And… That was kind of the concept of "…Rebellion" and a majority of the songs on it, but with our 3rd album, "The Rising Anger", there’s kind of an angry tone to it because of what we’ve learned being a band in this business, and the things we’ve had to go through as musicians to try and one-up ourselves as well as compete (in the music business). The album really is a perspective on our part, of what it’s like trying to do what it is that we do, as well as a few songs about what it’s like being a metal fan, since everyone in Katagory V are big metal fans.

You can hear and/or download the full interview by visiting this location

A transcribed version of the interview will be posted here on the offical website soon!