Pink Floyd Co-founder, Syd Barrett Dies...

we like metal yet some of you guys cry for the death of a personand the death of a member of a gay ass band. and knowing how forums work you guys will flame me for saying this shit. but meh who cares and death is natural
Actually I am weeping right now over your pathetic grammar. I guess it is considered metal to type in a manner that is unintelligible.

It is okay to be human and to be metal. And it's okay to pay your respects when an influential band loses one of their members, present or past.

However answer me this? Is it just their asses that are gay? Or are there other body parts that are gay as well? And how do you know?
lord_vampyr said:
we like metal yet some of you guys cry for the death of a personand the death of a member of a gay ass band. and knowing how forums work you guys will flame me for saying this shit. but meh who cares and death is natural
What the hell is all your jibberish about? Your grammar is atrocious as is your comment. Syd Barrett was a songwriter that allot of todays metal bands took lessons from, as to him being gay, and PINK FLOYD being a gay band, then so be it.

RIP SYD may your soul find the eternal rest it so desires.
lord_vampyr said:
we like metal yet some of you guys cry for the death of a personand the death of a member of a gay ass band. and knowing how forums work you guys will flame me for saying this shit. but meh who cares and death is natural
dee dee dee
lord_vampyr said:
we like metal yet some of you guys cry for the death of a personand the death of a member of a gay ass band. and knowing how forums work you guys will flame me for saying this shit. but meh who cares and death is natural

thats a funny first post...
lord_vampyr said:
we like metal yet some of you guys cry for the death of a personand the death of a member of a gay ass band. and knowing how forums work you guys will flame me for saying this shit. but meh who cares and death is natural

So sorry that your mind is so narrow and doesn't have room to think beyond what passes for "metal" these days.

Maybe you are young pup and just have no reference of what music once was.