PP USA X: Major roster changes

I woke up this morning hoping it was a bad dream. Now I'm just so disappointed and ANGRY. I disagree with adaher, there had got to be a way to make the system work more efficiently and fairly. Other large nations don't do this to people trying to enter and work a short stint legally. This is just a crime. My town and surrounding area, not to mention so many other places in the country, are literally crawling with illegal immigrants, some who have criminal records and other issues, and these people are allowed to stay. How can people trying to go through the system legally be treated with such random, pointless disregard? And ripped off in the process. We have GOT to find a way to get this system overhauled. Where to start? Well, I'm drafting a letter to my rep here in Jersey, but I think I'll also put an editorial together for the paper and maybe blog it. Anyone else have ideas?
Where to start? Well, I'm drafting a letter to my rep here in Jersey, but I think I'll also put an editorial together for the paper and maybe blog it. Anyone else have ideas?

Trust me, I've tried the letters to our congressmen here too. For some, it's a problem in the mentality. They have no brains, plain and simple.
Christ, the US government gets more ridiculous by the day. Unfuckingbelievable how screwed up the entire visa process is. Sorry you've had to lose money and sleep over this nonsense, Glenn. You do an amazing job, and I really hope this is a fluke this year rather than the norm. Kudos for filling the slots so quickly though!
For the record, I did contact my local senator and represenative. I emailed them information to be vetted as requested. I did not hear back from either one.

I wasted $1,500 while Shane lost $500.

I do hope people read the article that I posted a link to. It will open your eyes even further to this problem.
All the DENIED bands should get together and sue the US Gov't for "loss of income".

What can I say, Babs likes to dream big!
Just now seeing this news, sorry this hit you so close to the festival Glenn, personally I think the replacements are unbelievable, especially Crimson Glory and Cage. I'm actually looking forward to the festival even more now, even though I understand the disappointment people are feeling. Thanks for putting together something that I feel will be truly special!!!!!!!!!!!
Now, get Porcupine Tree for Thursday... They are in the states at that time.

You must have been reading my mind! I saw that they were doing a small US tour at the same time as PP (actually I think most of their dates are in late August).

Wouldn't PT be all sorts of awesomeness at PP?
Just now seeing this news, sorry this hit you so close to the festival Glenn, personally I think the replacements are unbelievable, especially Crimson Glory and Cage. I'm actually looking forward to the festival even more now, even though I understand the disappointment people are feeling. Thanks for putting together something that I feel will be truly special!!!!!!!!!!!

This. Its a totally shitty situation you are forced into, but the new bands are much more to my liking, so its a positive change all around for me. If you didnt have to deal with this bullshit Glenn, your life would be boring :lol:
Sorry to hear about this Glenn. Hang in there and please please dont stop ProgpowerUSA. You did a great job with the replacements and this is still going to be a great 3 days. I love the country I live in but the things our government does is insane , 12 million illegal immigrants in this country and bands can not come here and perform who do everything the right way.
I also like the idea of Nevermore taking Vanden Plas spot.
This is an example on how pathetic the US Customs dept. is. This is a question off a visa application a friend of mine has recently filled:

"Are you a member or representative of a terrorist organization as currently designated by the U.S. Secretary of State? Have you ever participated in persecutions directed by the Nazi government of Germany; or have you ever participated in genocide?"

Are you fucking serious? Do you really think a question like that is needed? Would anyone ever answer yes to that, regardless of the truth?
This is an example on how pathetic the US Customs dept. is. This is a question off a visa application a friend of mine has recently filled:

"Are you a member or representative of a terrorist organization as currently designated by the U.S. Secretary of State? Have you ever participated in persecutions directed by the Nazi government of Germany; or have you ever participated in genocide?"

Are you fucking serious? Do you really think a question like that is needed? Would anyone ever answer yes to that, regardless of the truth?

You have to answer that (or something similar) for a lot of things with the US government, such as certain job applications.
I'm just getting around to posting, so sorry about my "delayed" response. I cannot put it all into words any more eloquently than Glenn already has. It came as a complete shock to us, although there was a slight bit of doubt still hanging in the air.

That being said, I apologize to all of the Vanden Plas fans for not getting them over here for a SECOND time....sigh....

The band does have an open invitation for next year, and I will continue to try and make this happen until it finally does. Believe me, I am as much of a VP Fanboy as the next person.

I currently have a few offers on the table, and I am weighing my options for the replacement. It unfortunately isn't as cut and dry as Glenn's. However it is very very likely that it will be an American act. Unless things work out in which the band already has approved Visa's ready to go.

I am seriously losing faith in this Government....

Thanks to each and every one of you guys, and Glenn, I know you deal with lots of shit. You handle it much better than I do, let me tell you. I guess that's why I don't post as much as I should :)

Everything will turn out just fine, but it really sucks...

Announcement will come ASAP on the Showcase replacement.

Thanks again, Shane​
Sadly, the highlight of the festival for me was definitely Andre Matos. And PowerQuest wasn't far behind.

That said, the show must go on, and my support goes with it. Crimson Glory is a great replacement, and although I haven't heard Cage or Mindflow before, they seem to be getting plenty of praise around here. I'm sure I'll dig them once I get a chance to check 'em out.
Argh that blows all around. And yet you have definitely turned around and offered fantastic replacement acts, Glenn. I will definitely thrill to a Crimson Glory Midnight-tribute setlist. I can also vouch for Mindflow being F*CKING AMAZING live!!! It's an improvement in the festival for my particular tastes, but for all the people frustrated and upset about this, I am completely sympathetic.

As for the deadbeat legislators who won't stand up to INS so that their state has better tourism dollars coming to it: EVERYBODY WRITE THEM. If reason won't speak to them, maybe volume will.
Rep. John Lewis

Sen. Saxby Chambliss

Sen. Johnny Isakson
Yeah, I know. And are you going to tell me it isn't a stupid question?

Yeah, Milt, it is a stupid question.

But all government-form questions are.

My wife and I recently bought a couple of hand guns. (We just got into the sport of target practice.) I shit you not, the form you have to fill out includes questions like this one: "Are you suffering from any mental illness?" And "Are you under the influence of drugs or alcohol"? Like, dude, do you honestly think if I wanted to buy the guns to use illegally that I'd answer Yes to those questions?

So, it's not just the visa/immigration issue. It's government paperwork and bureaucratic ineptitude in general. Across the board. (Can you imagine a health-care system run by our government?!?!?!)

I applaud Glenn big time for putting up with all these behind-the-scenes shenanigans.

It's time to man-up and pull together. We can make this thing work. The replacement bands are outstanding! Not the bands expected. But not a one is a slouch. This is STILL a first-rate fest. So spread the word. Tell your friends. Let's sell it out!

Sorry you are having to go through all this Glenn - but man do you bounce back quickly. There is no one band that I am dying to see on the fest this year (well maybe Orphaned Land again) so the switching around of bands is not a big deal for me - it's the Fest all together that I love. euniting with a buddy I grew up with, discovering new bands and meeting new people.

I have experience with the INS too - as my (ex) was a foreign national. We did everything to the letter of the law, and actually flew through the process (some of her friends had nightmarish stories though) - but it was always held over our heads that if you send this late, or forget to do that - we can still boot her ass back to Europe. So then my friend gets hit by a car running a red light, no license, no insurance, and illegally here, what happens? Nothing, he doesnt even go to jail. Awesomeness. We should have just flown to Mexico for vacatio0n and snuck her over the border.

Don't let the bastards grind you down. I know it's frustrating and disappointing and all taht after all tehw ork you put in, but when you hear the roar of 1200 happy metalheads when any of the bands you get here comes on - hopefully that will make it a litte more worthwhile.

I'm just getting around to posting, so sorry about my "delayed" response. I cannot put it all into words any more eloquently than Glenn already has. It came as a complete shock to us, although there was a slight bit of doubt still hanging in the air.

That being said, I apologize to all of the Vanden Plas fans for not getting them over here for a SECOND time....sigh....

The band does have an open invitation for next year, and I will continue to try and make this happen until it finally does. Believe me, I am as much of a VP Fanboy as the next person.

I currently have a few offers on the table, and I am weighing my options for the replacement. It unfortunately isn't as cut and dry as Glenn's. However it is very very likely that it will be an American act. Unless things work out in which the band already has approved Visa's ready to go.

I am seriously losing faith in this Government....

Thanks to each and every one of you guys, and Glenn, I know you deal with lots of shit. You handle it much better than I do, let me tell you. I guess that's why I don't post as much as I should :)

Everything will turn out just fine, but it really sucks...

Announcement will come ASAP on the Showcase replacement.

Thanks again, Shane​

*cough* Nevermore....

Too bad Biomechanical is in England =p

I'm sure some would love you if Jag Panzer would do something.
I was initially very unhappy with the news .. was very much looking forward to Tomorrow's Eve, and Vanden Plas. Vanden Plas was my festival highlight.

That all said though the replacements so far are high quality, and hopefully TE and VP will be back in the very near future. VP's got a new disc they are working on so hopefully the next time they make it here they will have another great album to draw from.
