Pp V

I can't go but... :Spin:
I think they're awesome!! :hotjump: There's Edguy (that alone spectacular), and ofcourse Kamelot and I'd imagine the Savatage reunion will be a blast. I don't know Savatage, but any metal reunion live will prove to be great :worship:
I wonder if Edguy will play ALL songs from Hellfire Club :rolleyes:
Cheers! :D
This year will be such a well-rounded year for metal. I am a fan of all the bands except Into Eternity...don't know shit about them...but will find out. Obviously, they are the odd-ball pick this year...a little death oriented, perhaps?

A lot of the bands I have just recently gotten into...recently, like a matter of a few weeks, I have discovered Dreamscape, Brainstorm, Wuthering, Adagio from their most recent releases and have started accumulating their earlier works.

POS and Tad Morose are personal faves, so their appearances will be overwhelming. Edguy is, of course, just going to kick ass. I have been a fan of Kamelot for some time and I am anxious to see them live.

And, of course...Savatage! I have been a fan of that band from the very beginning and have sometimes wondered...but never wavered. They don't make it to Texas very often, so whether it's old line-ups or new line-ups or something in between...it will be an awesome set.

Man...can't wait...
I wasn't expecting so many great fucking bands man! Savatage will be one of the most beautiful moments ever, Edguy will turn the Earthlink Live into a real Hellfire Club, Pain of Salvation is my favorite, I would cry seeing them live again, Kamelot is awesome, Adagio is another fave who will kick some ass too!! CANT FUCKING WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS GLENN!!!!!!!!
Savatage I just can't believe that I'm going to have the oportunity to listen one of my favorite bands of all time with that lineup. POS RULES!!!!!! and just those two bands will be enough for me to go, but I also like some of the others. It will rock this year!!!
The two bands I know I picked were Tad Morose, Edguy & Brainstorm.....

Ironiclly, when I heard that Brainstorm was playing the 6-pack festival, I was a little bumbed (since I'm not attending that festival this year), so I was crossing my fingers for the other two... imagine my suprise this morning!!!!! :worship:

Although I never mentioned it, Pain of Salvation, Kamelot & Into Eternity were my other guesses..... but were pure specutaltion. :cool:

Again... I'm a HUGE fan of everyband on the roster this year, and will be one tired S.O.B. from standing through each set... I'm looking into orthopedic footwear this year. :loco:

actually... I wasn't a big fan of Pain of Salvation the last time I was them, and really didn't get into their material... and It took me nearly 5 years to "get it" with them, thankfully I can relive the good stuff I missed with that band the last time they played here!

AngraRULES said:
I wasn't expecting so many great fucking bands man! Savatage will be one of the most beautiful moments ever, Edguy will turn the Earthlink Live into a real Hellfire Club, Pain of Salvation is my favorite, I would cry seeing them live again, Kamelot is awesome, Adagio is another fave who will kick some ass too!! CANT FUCKING WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS GLENN!!!!!!!!
Milton, take deep breaths and calm down!
to be honest Kamelot, Savatage and edguy are the bands i am looking forward to see at the PP, I really like Kamelot, Savatage for being the legend that they are, and Edguy for being the most energetic i've seen live.
I am very pleased with the line up. There are a coupl'a groups I'm not familiar with but I will be by the time PP gets here. Although I love Kamelot, I am still a little disappointed in them (or their mgmt) and how they acted towards co-headlining with Evergrey in Europe last year (Detritus). I am also a little disappointed that Balance of Power and Threshold will not be there. Still, a great line up.
Hi Cindy!

I will also miss seeing Balance of Power, but I am thrilled with this lineup! SAVATAGE! EDGUY! ADAGIO! PAIN OF SALVATION! I love those guys - especially my Sava-dudes. I certainly hope Johnny Lee is there too - he wasn't listed in the 'lineup' originally! I'm really looking forward to Kamelot, Brainstorn and Dreamscape, Tad Morose and Wuthering Heights...honestly the only group I don't think I'll really go for is Into Eternity - I'm not one for the growlers, LOL.

This is going to be an AWESOME gig!!!! Already have the room booked!!! Dave and I are very happy to be sponsoring Adagio --- that is going to be an awesome set Saturday! Don't be late! :)

Take care, and Cheers!
I would have to say the line up looks pritty good and sounds good. while i have only heard of a few of the bands, it was the same way last. i will go, sit there and lisson because while me my friend had never heard of circle 2 circle and a few others we now have more bands we lisson to. and besides yall are saying they are great, so whats to say they arn't
its not bad. Its better than last year. I dont think anything will Match PP3 for me(it had too many first time seeing them live bands for me). I have already seen every band that I want to see at this years line-up. But it will be good to see Kamelot, Brainstorm, Tad Morose and Edguy (especially supporting the new one) again. Adagio is pretty cool also. So it will be a good show.
I hate that I don't think I can go just on the fact that due to going on remote job training, I can't predict if I could take the days off even though Glenn must have been thinking of me. He put the fest on the weekend of my birthday.:Spin:

I love the lineup. Only two bands that I am only casually into, they are Savatage and Kamelot.

I saw Tad Morose in Milwaukee a few years ago and they impressed me even though they were at a fest more known for death metal acts. I feel so glad they will play now in front of such an enthusiastic crowd.

I recently got into and love the recent cds of Dreamscape, Into Eternity,Wuthering Heights, and Adagio.

Even though it took me alittle bit, I love the last two Brainstorm cds!!

I have only been an Edguy fan since the year they were at Progpower. I heard everyone say how they loved their performance, saw the video provided by Glenn. I picked up the live cd. I know live cds aren't always the best way to start but it was such a joy to listen to that I have started picking up their catalog.

Finally, what can I say about Pain of Salvation?? They have got to be one of my favorite bands. Their music is so beautiful. I love that it doesn't hit me over the head right away. It makes me earn it as I hear new things each time I put one of their cds in my player.
I am mainly going for ADAGIO!!!!!!!!But i love Savatage, Edguy and Kamelot.
recently got into Brainstorm too. That's really all, Dreamscape's ok. I have a jealous nature torwards dreamscape since my bands name id Dreamspace and we might have to change to avoid confusion.