PPUSA Day 1 Headliner Announcement! (update 11/16)

Tell me why it always has to be prog in your opinion? You know there's not just prog people here. You know, some of you prog people are so selfish. I'll sit and watch a prog band before my preferred power metal band. And, I'll keep an open mind as I do like very much some prog metal bands. How many of you snobbish prog people would sit through a power metal band before your prog band? As I've seen many a power metal band bashed on this forum by the prog people. Flame me. I don't care. But, I'm willing to bet there are a few here that agree with me. If not, I'll stand alone.
Tell me why it always has to be prog in your opinion? You know there's not just prog people here. You know, some of you prog people are so selfish. I'll sit and watch a prog band before my preferred power metal band. And, I'll keep an open mind as I do like very much some prog metal bands. How many of you snobbish prog people would sit through a power metal band before your prog band? As I've seen many a power metal band bashed on this forum by the prog people. Flame me. I don't care. But, I'm willing to bet to there are a few here that agree with me. If not, I'll stand alone.

amen man !!! The prog people get all butt hurt if you say thing about their bands. :Smokedev:
amen man !!! The prog people get all butt hurt if you say thing about their bands. :Smokedev:

Obviously so does Purveyor if someone just would rather have a prog band or he wouldn't have jabbed at the guy above or like he has to me. All the guy did was ask if it was sure Glenn was going to pick power over prog. Sure the guy would rather have a prog band but the need to jump on him was unecessary. Purveyor obviously just looks for a target so he can brag about sitting thru a prog band. I think he needs to think about who really needs to get over himself as he's told me. Tell me Purveyor, why do you have to be a Power Snob? Please we don't want you to cry over prog, why can't we all get alonggggg...
Tell me why it always has to be prog in your opinion? You know there's not just prog people here. You know, some of you prog people are so selfish. I'll sit and watch a prog band before my preferred power metal band. And, I'll keep an open mind as I do like very much some prog metal bands. How many of you snobbish prog people would sit through a power metal band before your prog band? As I've seen many a power metal band bashed on this forum by the prog people. Flame me. I don't care. But, I'm willing to bet there are a few here that agree with me. If not, I'll stand alone.

Are you joking?

If not, then that was easily the most unnecessary, sensitive and downright rude response I've ever received from anyone, regarding anything, anywhere on the internet.

1- I didn't say it has to be prog. Nor did I say that was not my opinion, so take your straw man somewhere else.
2- Obviously there are not just prog people here. In fact, believe it or not, there are people who identify with both prog and power metal. Can you believe that?
3- Selfish? Again, take your unfounded, ad hominem attacks somewhere else.
4- You'll sit through prog to see power? Good for you, but why the fuck should I care? You want a pat on the back?
5- Meanwhile, I'll sit through any number of power metal bands, not before my preferred prog bands, but for the simple reason that I enjoy many power metal bands.
6- I might not've been here as long as you, but I've never seen anyone being bashed by anyone, regardless of their music tastes, until now.

If I didn't know any better, if I had to judge you based on a single comment on a single forum (as you seem so keen on doing, yourself) I'd say you were a bit of a prick.
Obviously so does Purveyor if someone just would rather have a prog band or he wouldn't have jabbed at the guy above or like he has to me. All the guy did was ask if it was sure Glenn was going to pick power over prog. Sure the guy would rather have a prog band but the need to jump on him was unecessary. Purveyor obviously just looks for a target so he can brag about sitting thru a prog band. I think he needs to think about who really needs to get over himself as he's told me. Tell me Purveyor, why do you have to be a Power Snob? Please we don't want you to cry over prog, why can't we all get alonggggg...

The bold part is not necessarily true. There are several power metal bands I'd much rather see filling that final slot than most prog bands.

But I appreciate your defense anyways. As you said, I was only asking why the assumption was Power (i.e., had it been announced somewhere or was it just a foregone conclusion that there wouldn't be back to back prog bands on Thursday).
I call it as I see it. Besides, I understand that the fest is 50/50. I accept that and have no problem with it because it is what it is. But, it seems when a band drops off it's a cry for a prog band no matter what style band has cancelled. I don't bitch if a prog band replaces a prog band because that's how it goes. Seemingly, when a power metal band cancels, the prog crowd clamors for another prog band. Don't put words in my mouth that I hate prog metal, either. I said in my first post that I have many prog metal bands that I like very much, so don't try to pin that on me.
Senecadawg thinks I'm a prick because I have my own opinion?

You clearly didn't read my response very carefully. If you had you'd understand that my retort had absolutely nothing to do with your so-called 'opinion'. I was responding only to the rude assumptions that you levied at me based on the following impossible logic:

>Sees someone ask why everyone assumes the final band on Thursday is going to be a Power Metal band.
>Someone must therefore be a selfish, snobbish, 'prog person' who doesn't have an open enough mind to sit through power metal sets

And so you continue to miss the point, Purveyor of fallacies and irrelevant anecdotes that mask your remarkable sensitivity to a simple question. You're done here? Good.

I'll ask again, to anyone else who might give a rational response. Why no mention of Vanden Plas? Has Glenn made mention of his pick being a Power Metal band? There are still two unannounced Wednesday bands that could, for all I know, both be Power Metal bands.
The ONLY way this can be topped is if you guys are also booking Vanden Plas as the Thursday headliner!!!

The clues from the "Hitler Reacts to ProgPower USA Being Sold Out" video (posted in the "Sold Out" thread) would seem to make a strong case for Vanden Plas.

“supposed to be the biggest prog fan in the whole country..."

“…if only he knew…his favorite band…Thursday night…”

Yep, I went back and watched it again. I was laughing too hard the first time to catch all of the captions. :lol: