Praying Mantis...any fans???


Sep 30, 2005
I just got into these guys recently even though they have been around for decades. I would love to see one of the classic NWOBHM bands play ProgPower one year....I think they would go over well.

here is a sample of thier latest disc....very nice touch of rock and NWOBHM.
I was really surprised how strong the newest disc was. Definetly worth hunting down.

here is a link to some classic Praying Mantis....

along with Praying Mantis....curious to see if there are any fans of other NWOBHM acts like......

Tygers of Pan Tang......who also have a new disc out from a year or so ago that is also real good.

Angel Witch.......

or even Cloven Hoof.......

Witchfinder General...yeah Jasonic...I caved in and I actually like most of thier stuff but the lastest disc is one of the worst things ever.

Limb Records released a disc by Roxxcaliber....a NWOBHM cover band. Basically it is power metal versions of classic songs. Worth checking out. It introduced me to lots of bands that I never would have even heard about like
Jameson Raid, Jaguar,and Chateaux. While I am a far from expert on this genre....I would love to see some spotlight shine on some of these classic great bands. feel free to add..... I am sure Jason will post some Saxon and Diamond Head.
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almost forgot a band no one ever talks about....Skanners. Been around for a while with little to no buzz....

and a ballad...which is pretty damn good.
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I'm a fan. They're not very heavy (I usually compare them in my head to Ten or Gotthard), but they have slick catchy choruses in all of their songs. Their albums are hard to find, but I like each one I come across. That said, altough I'd like to see them, after PC69 I can't see PM going over well at ProgPower.

Steve in Philly
Love all the bands mentioned above. Although Tygers of Pan Tang has turned to shite as of later years, their early material is stellar.
As I was fortunate enough to live in Europe during the 80's I have actually seen all these bands live (not Skanners), and they all put on great shows. Especially Praying Mantis.
I'm a fan. They're not very heavy (I usually compare them in my head to Ten or Gotthard), but they have slick catchy choruses in all of their songs. Their albums are hard to find, but I like each one I come across. That said, altough I'd like to see them, after PC69 I can't see PM going over well at ProgPower.

Steve in Philly

did Pink Cream 69 not go over well?
a) Love Praying Mantis! Difficult to get their albums but I had the debut and the last 4 (and yes I do like the last one a lot).
b) Great choice with 'Panic In the Streets', one of my favorite tunes from the debut along with 'Flirting With Suicide'
c) Angel Witch and Witchfinder General are essential NWOBHM bands to have in the collection (thanks for the AW video, downloading right now!)
d) Also great call on Roxxcalibur, not only the project is composed of two of my favorite German bands of the moment Viron (power) and Abandoned (thrash) but also they made very good covers of obscure NWOBHM songs in their debut, highly recommended.
e) Jaguar is excellent, you must get the Neat compilation of their two NWOBHM albums plus their 2000 "Wake Me" and then try to find "Run Ragged" (2003) their last one so far, the band hasn't lost a bit of energy
f) Besides the bands already mentioned try to find Avenger, Witchfynde, Satan/Pariah, Tytan, Girlschool, Rock Goddess, Blitzkrieg, Demon, Fist, Hammerhead, Holocaust, Quartz, Saracen, Grim Reaper, Sweet Savage (the debut specially, "Rune" had a high change of sound), Tank, Tokyo Blade (first two albums with Alan Marsh on vocals), Venom, Warfare, Warhead (only one album of this great project), Wildfire, More ("Warhead" basically) and my impossible to get favorite obscure NWOBHM band Satanic Rites - "Which Way The Wind Blows" (they have a second one but I only had the debut as MP3s).

P.S. Oh yes, I almost forget if you don't care about the language check: Sortilege (Fr), H-Bomb (Fr), Blaspheme (Fr), High Power (Fr), Baron Rojo (ESP), Obus (ESP), Panzer (ESP), V8 (ARG), Loudness (JPN), Heavy Load (SWE, well they do sing in English), Ostrogoth (BEL, also sing in English).
Ahhhh, my week is complete. Someone has mentioned Tygers of Pan Tang. :)

Of course, the bandname is a fantasy literature reference...and I ran THAT author's international fan-club for about 5 years, waybackwhen. :heh:
I thought that Pink Cream 69 was insane and awesome. I had no idea who they were when I saw them though (but I had no idea who half the bands on that roster were).
Saw Praying Mantis at Bang Your Head '07. They put on a pretty good show considering it was real early in the day. Met some of them later, and most were real nice, but one guy became very rude when he found out I was American. That sort of cooled me on them. Guess I should let it go and give them another try.
did Pink Cream 69 not go over well?

They were probably the "lightest" of bands to play the fest. Their selection began what is referred to as the "oddball" pick. I forget the order, but I think they were sandwiched between a couple of heavyweights, plus I think there was a big name doing a signing at the time. I was able to walk right up to almost the rail to watch their set. As for not going over well, they really didn't help the situation. Complete lack of energy from the band, and vocalist David Readman came off kind of pompous IMHO. They sounded great, and the guitarist was amazing...just somewhat lackluster.

However, were it not for PC69 playing ProgPower, I may not have found out about this fest. I discovered PPUSA by researching PC69 to see if they played the USA at all...and saw that they were going to be playing here at the time. I've been hooked ever since...!
Yeah...that is the hard part about having soe of the older bands playing....sometimes most people dont know who they are or they have such a big back catalog it detours people from really getting into them.

After hearing the new Praying Mantis disc....I think they would go over pretty good with the ProgPower crowd.
Hahahaha, and Bob, what is bad about SAXON and DIAMOND HEAD???
Glad to see you are digging some WITCHFINDER GENERAL. I haven't heard the latest, but I also haven't heard anything good about it either.

I have spoken of my love for the s/t ANGEL WITCH many times on here.
I seriously think it is one of the top 10 most essential metal releases ever.

Most dismiss this band because of their mid to late 80's output, but don't fail to check out early RAVEN too!

Here are some maybe more unknown cult / NWOBHM / doom (whatever tag you wanna put on it, it's all AMAZING!!!)

and my fav SAXON tune of all time!
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the latest Witchfinder General is really bad.....just real bad hard rockish style stuff with no simularities to the early stuff. Imagine someone playing very very generic rock. that is the disc.

I like Diamond Head....I was making the crack because you always mention them along with Saxon.
the latest Witchfinder General is really bad.....just real bad hard rockish style stuff with no simularities to the early stuff. Imagine someone playing very very generic rock. that is the disc.

I like Diamond Head....I was making the crack because you always mention them along with Saxon.

Yep, well, I suppose because when I think NWOBHM, those two quickly come to mind.

I think the new WG might even have a new singer.

A lot equate SAXON with "cheese" because of the whole "Denim and Leather" and what not. They have some great stuff. The one CD (I forgot what it is called), where the current version of the band re-recorded a handful of classics is great. Nice place to start with them for those not familiar.
yeah.....I really dig the new Praying Mantis too. One of my favorite releases this year.

Mine too. It's a grower. I was kind of skeptical when Dennis left the band and the Troy brothers put a whole new line-up but Mike Freeland is an excellent melodic singer just like the band needs.

A lot equate SAXON with "cheese" because of the whole "Denim and Leather" and what not. They have some great stuff. The one CD (I forgot what it is called), where the current version of the band re-recorded a handful of classics is great. Nice place to start with them for those not familiar.

Saxon = cheese? You do know some people in need of a psychiatrist :lol:.

Saxon is the most true NWOBHM band of them all, after 30 years they still play strong and even if some albums are better than others they have NEVER sold out.

BTW, the album you're looking the name for is "Heavy Metal Thunder", actually as a fan I don't like it very much I prefer the original versions, but it can be a poitn for some to check the band (I can't believe someone doesn't know Saxon :loco:), oh and "Denim And Leather" was my first Saxon album I bought, used vinyl I still have it even if I had my whole Saxon collection in CDs (well I still need to buy TEHL-III).

Saxon just plain rules! :headbang:

P.S. Yes the new WG does not work at all, just stick to the two original albums and maybe the live one if you feel like it (the remaster made it pretty enjoyable).