IMO Halcyon Way did an admirable job considering they played on such short notice. Krucible was ok I guess, they did a cover of "Eyes Of A Stranger" that Chris Salinas from Zero Hour got up on stage with them and did some harmonies in the chorus with Lance so that was cool... and I think I heard them doing a cover of "Eye of the Tiger", i didn't watch their entire set... lol. Cellador was IMO a fast muddy mess, but the crowd seemed to enjoy them. For the first time in 5 progpowers I missed a set due to too much alcohol and completely missed FK, but I heard they kicked ass. At least I saw them last year so i'm not too torn up about it. Not so sure i'll be drinking tonight, at least not a lot ;)
to be honest, i wasn't a big fan of Halcyon Way or Cellador (Cellador in particular....ignoring the numerous technical issues during their set, i thought they were boring, generic, and kinda sloppy). i rather enjoyed Krucible, but i'll have to give their stuff another listen on myspace. Freak Kitchen made it all worthwhile though....absolutely fucking amazing and entertaining set from them....almost made the promise he made me and a couple other guys on the steps before the show: "we will play for one million hours!"
What!! No way!! I thought Halcyon Way were amazing and Krucible were boring. Cellador is kind of a generic band, but it was still amazing to watch! Freak Kitchen was awesome as always...
i couldn't hear the guitarist on stage right at all during HW's set and just barely during the other bands' sets, but the stage left guitarist's amp cutting out (for HW and Cellador) got really annoying....FUCK LINE 6! FUCK LINE 6!

anyway, i'm just not really into HW anyway....i'd heard a couple songs of theirs before and it just wasn't my thing. looking forward to tonight though, i'm excited about every band other than Virgin Steele.
The surprise of the night for me was Krucible. They were goddamn amazing.

Freak Kitchen, of course, stole the show. They need to play every year. No one has more fun on the PP stage than these guys. They really need to release a live DVD.

Tonight should slay. I think you'll hear the roar of the crowd when Redemption launches into "Sapphire" even if you're on the moon...

Halcyon Days was much better than I expected. They seem to be quite self confident, that's for sure. But they have some chops and a core of fans who showed up to help cheer them on.

Krucible was remarkable. Shane Dubose (aside from being The Nicest Man in Metal) is a monster bass player. Holy cow, that boy can play. But the rest of the band is tight, too. Guitarist Eric Halpren is easily one of the better players I've seen. Their "Eyes of a Stranger" was spot on. And what can one say about Lance King other than the man is charismatic, energetic, and possesses one of the best voices in metal? I think for being such a young band (without even so much as a first album out,) I'd say Krucible is destined for big things. They have that air of "magic" about them. And talent, as Rush Limbaugh would say, on loan from God.

Cellador. What can I say about Cellador? They have energy. They have chops. Their lead singer (Mike Gremio) has a fantastic voice. But last night they were plagued with one equipment failure after another. That, plus what appeared to be too much on-stage exuberance (no doubt attributed to their young age), I think, caused them to play a show that won't be numbered among their best. Guitarists Bill Hudson and Chris Petersen are a formidable duo. It's hard to tell which has fleeter fingers or strikes the more rock star-like pose when shredding. Mike sounded like he was blowing out his voice toward the end, and the band looked slightly dazed and confused when all was said and done. But these guys have something special to offer. They have chemistry. And they seem to have solid song-writing chops. But the lesson they need to learn is to play together as a team, a single unit, rather than five virtuosos. Once they learn that, watch out world!

Freak Kitchen astounded from the second the curtain slid sideways to reveal their trademark cow-head logo. Hairy, smiling, and seemingly born with a guitar in his hands, Mattias "IA" Eklundh had the crowd in his hand from the first chord -- and he knew it. He was confident, but never condescending. His stage presence is based on the joy of playing, rather than strictly showing off. Bassist Christer Örtefors is a madman on stage, playing with ferocity but not without tongue firmly in cheek. He and drummer Björn Fryklund are the perfect pair for IA's inventive guitar playing. Freak Kitchen is, far and away, one of the best bands I've ever seen. They're playful without being un-professional, bigger than life without being Bozos, and silly without being insincere. I couldn't wipe the stupid grin off my face watching these guys. I laughed out loud a few times at IA's stage antics and never-ending banter, punctuated by the word "Swedish" every six words or so. He is a master performer and Freak Kitchen, last night owned up to its sizable reputation. If America knew what ProgPower USA fans know, these guys would be huge.

All in all, I think last night's Showcase was about a 7 on a scale of 1-10. There were many low points, but the high points more than made up for them.

Shane Dubose deserves major props for staging another memorable ProgPower Showcase. Thank you, Shane!
Freak Kitchen was incerdible. I didn't know a single song of theirs walking in but they kept me thoroughly entertained all evening. I heard great things about them last year after I stupidly opted to visit the vendors instead of watching them; I've regretted that ever since. Tip-top and Goody-Goody! (ya had to be there).

Oh yea, someone needs to tell the Cellador guitarist that he outgrew that shirt about 20 pounds ago. Maybe hold an intervention??
I had a good time! I dug all the bands. Sorry about the technical difficulties on the guitars. "!@#@!" happens. I always enjoy hearing Lance sing. Cellador doing "Eye of the Tiger" was unexpected but really fun. Hell we should have pulled out "Sunglasses at Night" if we were going to go that retro. Great bunch of guys!