Press release May 10th - New PQ members!


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
Press Release 10.05.2010

POWER QUEST line-up news

Power Quest are pleased to announce that the new vocalist is Chitral “Chity” Somapala. Chity is well known and highly regarded worldwide in the rock and metal scene and has recorded, toured and made guest appearances with the likes of “Avalon”, “Faro”, “Firewind” and “Red Circuit”, as well as fronting his own band “Civilization One”.

His unmistakable style has been compared favourably with Ronnie James Dio, Klaus Meine and Johnny Gioeli. Power Quest main man Steve Williams commented on the news;

“I’m thrilled to have recruited a vocalist and front man of Chity’s calibre. I’ve known Chity for a couple of years and we have often talked about working together and now we have that opportunity. We have already recorded 3 new songs with him and they just sound immense.”

You can check out all the info about Chity at

In addition to this news we are also pleased to welcome Gavin Owen into the band as the new guitarist. Previously Gav was the lead guitarist for Welsh Metallers “Triaxis”.

“Gav’s audition last weekend was of the highest standard and we were all very impressed by his playing and how he conducted himself throughout the process”, said Steve Williams. “There was an instant chemistry there between him and the rest of the guys and particularly with Andy which bodes well for the future.”

Meanwhile the band continues to work on material for the forthcoming album “Blood Alliance”, with recording scheduled to commence in early July.

A BIG welcome to Chity and Gav! I am familiar with Chity's work with Avalon, Firewind, Civilization One and Red Circuit prior to him joining Power Quest. I have to say that I'm a big fan of all the above mentioned bands and the man himself! Chity is a solid and versatile singer which makes the future of Power Quest very exciting indeed!

Once again welcome to all the new guys...and good choice Steve! All the best for Blood Alliance! \m/
It's not ZP, that's gonna disappoint a few people! :p I've heard of Chity from his work with Avalon! Very nice! Looking forward to hearing him sing and hearing Gav play! :D
My sentiments as the other thread:

:headbang: :kickass: Huge big metal welcome to the new lads!!! :headbang: :kickass: Welcome to the Quest boys! Hoping to hear this seriously stellar lineup lay down some sweet, epic power metal soon.

Can't say I've ever really heard the names before but then I realised I must have heard Chity on Firewind's 'Forged by Fire'. Epic album. Man's got a smooth voice, I was reminded of Dio but also Niklas Isfeldt sans accent (there's a link with Gus G there too, Forged by Fire could have been a Dream Evil album when you listen!) and let's hope we hear some screeching power metal screams too!

Had no doubt Steve would find the right men to gel well with the band. Let's hope PQ 2.5 and Blood Alliance bring out that chemistry in some balls-out legendary metal
Welcome both :headbang: i'm intrigued as to what PQ sound like with Chity. i guess we will all find out soon enough. It will be interesting to see how many of the new forum members suddenly stop posting when they read and find out it's not ZP :p i can't wait to hear what Steve's come up with this time :headbang: with Chity on vocals surely this means a slightly harder edge...
its not ZP? leaving....


Nah seriously i checked out some of Chity's work, and when i heard the song he released a video with Firewind with ( cant remember what one! ) it sounded pretty good, but the deal was clenched with me when i heard him singing some tune in his native language, again, cant remember the name, his voice is angelic! but still has a tough and versatile body. i predict great things...the force is strong in this one.

As for guitarist, seen a couple of youtube video's and it would seem he fits the bill! his solo's are pretty thoughtful to, quite like inventiveness in solo's! :)
I gotta say, I'm really happy with Chity being in PQ. Not just for his voice, but the way he carries himself on stage and the way he seems to genuinely love what he's doing.

And Gav. Good lord! Usually I'd be a little dubious about someone who goes by the moniker 'fastest guitarist' but in this case it seems to be justified! I remember watching his youtube channel a long time ago and being pretty blown away. Doesn't he have a twin brother who is also a guitarist in another band? I will try not to get confused!

A warm welcome to you both!