Previously unreleased amateur Pain of Salvation footage from PP USA I


Mrs. Harvester
Staff member
Feb 17, 2009
In celebration of 10,000 likes on our facebook page, we've published previously unreleased amateur footage of Pain of Salvation's legendary headline set at ProgPower USA I in 2001 at J.J. Kelley's in Lansing, Illinois outside Chicago.

We recently had the VHS tape converted to DVD so we could share it with you. More footage to follow!

Glenn wrote, "I will be uploading at least 30 mins from the beginning of that concert for the public to enjoy. Gold Badge holders will get to see another 30 mins privately from the end of the show when the intensity went through the roof a few weeks later."

Thank you for your overwhelming social media support for the festival and helping keep it alive!

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Thanks for this. Good memories.

Somewhere, I still have the album with all of my pictures I took from PP1. One of these days I need to get around to scanning them in.
While I feel like I remember that event like it was yesterday, I had truly forgotten just how SMALL that JJ Kelly's really was. Seeing just the heads and shoulders of the band puts it all in perspective.

Amazing time that weekend!!!!
Still one of the top highlights from any ProgPower show. It was incredibly emotionally-charged....almost felt like PoS was playing like their life depended on it, despite getting almost no sleep on the way over, due to various travel problems. I think they were simply playing on pure adrenaline, and it showed.

I try to rationalize to myself that the current lineup, at least live, is just as good as this one.

This lineup is something else, man.
I wish I had been able to go. I knew about the show, but there was some reason why I couldn't make it out there and I don't remember why anymore. I didn't get to see PoS til PPV!
Maybe not the right thread for this, but since POS fans will be hitting it, I figured I'd ask here. I don't know much, if anything about their releases. I bought OHBTCL not too long ago, and got The Perfect Element prior to going to PPUSA 1. Since there is no way I'm going to miss Kingcrow when then play here is Chicago, I figure I should dive more into POS's catalog. Suggestions? Is their recent stuff decent? Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.
Typically, fans love everything up to Remedy Lane. From there, it gets a little hairy.

I love everything through the Linolium EP (pre-Road Salt), but can't get into Road Salt 1 & 2 to save my life. Other fans stop at Remedy Lane. A few actually love everything.
Maybe not the right thread for this, but since POS fans will be hitting it, I figured I'd ask here. I don't know much, if anything about their releases. I bought OHBTCL not too long ago, and got The Perfect Element prior to going to PPUSA 1. Since there is no way I'm going to miss Kingcrow when then play here is Chicago, I figure I should dive more into POS's catalog. Suggestions? Is their recent stuff decent? Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.

The last two records sound like a completely different band, so buyer beware. They're not bad (believe me, I used to despise Road Salt I but now I tolerate it more), but don't expect the same POS that wrote classic prog metal records such as their first four.

My suggestion? Listen to each record released chronologically. This gives you a perfect example of how the band evolved since day one. They're one of those bands that you can't just pick an album or two to "check out". You need to go through the whole damn thing.
My suggestion? Listen to each record released chronologically. This gives you a perfect example of how the band evolved since day one. They're one of those bands that you can't just pick an album or two to "check out". You need to go through the whole damn thing.

I second the above suggestion. However, if you want to try one release only, I would recommend the live cd/dvd Ending Themes: On the Two Deaths of Pain of Salvation. This only has material up through Scarsick.

Laser's Edge has the cd only for less than $10.

Or check YouTube....
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Maybe not the right thread for this, but since POS fans will be hitting it, I figured I'd ask here. I don't know much, if anything about their releases. I bought OHBTCL not too long ago, and got The Perfect Element prior to going to PPUSA 1. Since there is no way I'm going to miss Kingcrow when then play here is Chicago, I figure I should dive more into POS's catalog. Suggestions? Is their recent stuff decent? Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.

Generally the first four are the safest bet. The Perfect Element is the best album ever, period. Remedy Lane is probably the most accessible. As a Kingcrow fan, you should love PoS considering they sound pretty similar.
I second the above suggestion. However, if you want to try one release only, I would recommend the live cd/dvd Ending Themes: On the Two Deaths of Pain of Salvation. This only has material up through Scarsick.

Personally, I'd go with "12:5" myself. While it is an acoustic show, it gives a good overview of their first 4 albums.
Personally, I'd go with "12:5" myself. While it is an acoustic show, it gives a good overview of their first 4 albums.

I'd hold off on 12:5, it's a great overview of Entropia, TPE and Remedy Lane, but I think what makes it so special is listening to the new arrangements for the first time.
I'd hold off on 12:5, it's a great overview of Entropia, TPE and Remedy Lane, but I think what makes it so special is listening to the new arrangements for the first time.

Thanks for the tip. I think I'll throw in The Perfect Element, give that some more spins. Which I probably didn't when I 1st picked it up. Even Kingcrow takes multiple spins for it to really sink in. Which In Crescendo has in a big way. I'll hold off on 12:5 and pick that up only if the other POS stuff sinks in.
More footage:


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I'd hold off on 12:5, it's a great overview of Entropia, TPE and Remedy Lane, but I think what makes it so special is listening to the new arrangements for the first time.

Agreed. I think it's my favorite live album, period, but you do need to hear the originals first.
Personally, I'd go with "12:5" myself. While it is an acoustic show, it gives a good overview of their first 4 albums.

I'm a HUGE Pain of Salvation fan and love all their albums with the exception of 12:5 - I can't stand that album. Horrible horrible horrible. Re-arranging the dongs like that did not work well, and changing songs from minor to major was a big fail in my book.
I'm a HUGE Pain of Salvation fan and love all their albums with the exception of 12:5 - I can't stand that album. Horrible horrible horrible. Re-arranging the dongs like that did not work well, and changing songs from minor to major was a big fail in my book.

I'm relieved to see someone else in this camp! Those first 4 albums are magical imo. But 12:5 was...not very awesome.