ProgPower DVD


Solvet Saeclum In Favilla
Jan 10, 2004
I know there is a lot of crap to deal with as far rights and wrongs with all the bands, promoters, this and that, etc....but I'm sure most of the people at this forum would purchase a DVD of the ProgPower shows. I've read in the past, about money issues with the festival...surely this would pan out in the long run(the selling of a DVD)...anyway just curious...please post your thoughts....I've been to PP2 and PP4, and there was alot of footage shot....who wants to see it!!! :wave:
glasscastle said:
I know there is a lot of crap to deal with as far rights and wrongs with all the bands, promoters, this and that, etc....but I'm sure most of the people at this forum would purchase a DVD of the ProgPower shows. I've read in the past, about money issues with the festival...surely this would pan out in the long run(the selling of a DVD)...anyway just curious...please post your thoughts....I've been to PP2 and PP4, and there was alot of footage shot....who wants to see it!!! :wave:

sweeeeett how much
You should be able to do a search through the archives and see the original thread on it. The bottom line is that I have to jump through legal hell with all of the bands/lables/publishing companies. I simply cannot afford to do that nor do I have expertise on the matter.

If someone wanted to do all that for me and split the profits, then I'm all for it.

Glenn H