ProgPower Fantasy Baseball 2012

Clark Griswold

WallyWorld anyone?
Mar 5, 2004
Lake Charles, LA
It's that time of year again! The sun is shining. The smell of ball park hot dogs, peanuts and crackerjacks are filling the air.

The metal heads, of course, are listening to new music and taking it all in. But when we are not listening to music, we are watching baseball, better yet, playing Fantasy Baseball.

I stated a Prog Power Fantasy Baseball League to see if it would garner some interest.

The league is a Yahoo! league and it is going to be rotisserie scoring. The rosters may be a bit big, but I used the settings from another rotisserie league which I am active.

Go to Yahoo! Fantasy Baseball.

"Join a League"

League ID: 169496
Password: metal