ProgPower USA XXI postponed

As much as it sucks ass it's still the right call and I'm thankful you made it. Even if you'd had to cancel this edition outright I still wouldn't have refunded my ticket, for what it's worth. I'll be happy to help with the GFM when it's up.

Thanks for all you do in making this thing happen, and for keeping us all from taking a risk by showing up anyway.
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Glenn, this had to be one of the toughest calls you have ever had to make.
I will keep my ticket, and hold onto it for next year.
In addition I will kick some money into your PPUSA GoFundMe to help you out.

You and Jen are 100% awesome in putting this festival together for everyone. Maybe some people don't get it, but most of us do understand this is a labor of love for you guys. Of course this can't be done without money, sure, but we know that is not the major motivation you do this every freaking year all year long. No one could be that crazy.

You hang in there buddy. We got your back on this.
The 2021 PPUSA is gonna kick major ass. Bigly.
See you all in September 2021.
Go Vols.
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Don't listen to the Facebook asswipes. The overwhelming majority of us are with you and will support the festival. Through the years, you and I have had our differences about band selection but it was never personal. I'll be with you until the end.
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I agree with you on the Facebook a-holes. What they don't realize (or don't care) is that if the festival is cancelled before the right time, that is it for the festival--not only for this year or next year, but forever. As it is, Glenn is probably going to be struggling to put on next year's show, let alone continue to number 25. Let us hope that he can continue to put on the best annual festival in North America.

Looking forward to seeing everyone in 2021..
I'm pleased to announce that 20 of 21 bands have re-confirmed for ProgPower USA XXI next year. It is with utter sadness and a big ole kick in the balls that due to scheduling conflicts, The Night Flight Orchestra have been forced to withdraw from the roster. I have extended an invitation to the band to join us in 2022. I will work diligently to make that happen. The replacement band will be announced in the coming weeks.

Ticketmaster has officially confirmed the the new dates of all four days of the festival for next year. Those wishing a refund should request it via their personal ticketmaster account as soon as possible. After 30 days, all tickets will be transfer to the new date and refunds will no longer be available. Any tickets refunded will immediately be placed back on sale. If you have any issues, please contact the Center Stage box office for assistance. Be aware there is limited staff working limited days during the pandemic. It may take several days for them to return your email.

I'm pleased to announce that 20 of 21 bands have re-confirmed for ProgPower USA XXI next year. It is with utter sadness and a big ole kick in the balls that due to scheduling conflicts, The Night Flight Orchestra have been forced to withdraw from the roster. I have extended an invitation to the band to join us in 2022. I will work diligently to make that happen. The replacement band will be announced in the coming weeks.

Ticketmaster has officially confirmed the the new dates of all four days of the festival for next year. Those wishing a refund should request it via their personal ticketmaster account as soon as possible. After 30 days, all tickets will be transfer to the new date and refunds will no longer be available. Any tickets refunded will immediately be placed back on sale. If you have any issues, please contact the Center Stage box office for assistance. Be aware there is limited staff working limited days during the pandemic. It may take several days for them to return your email.

20/21 is an incredible feat!
Did Eternal Tears of Sorrow make the 2021 festival cut? They were on the original roster and were replaced by Aether Realm when they cancelled all 2020 dates, however that was before the 2020 festival was postponed. Since we're now talking 2021..
Did Eternal Tears of Sorrow make the 2021 festival cut? They were on the original roster and were replaced by Aether Realm when they cancelled all 2020 dates, however that was before the 2020 festival was postponed. Since we're now talking 2021..

This was asked on a similar FB thread, and Glenn responded with "Aether Realm will remain on the roster."
This was asked on a similar FB thread, and Glenn responded with "Aether Realm will remain on the roster."

Well a deal is a deal & I figured Aether Realm would be playing if Glenn made them an offer as Glenn isn't one to go back on his word. Hey Aether Realm is an excellent band too & no potential visa issues either. However, if EToS could ALSO play along with Aether Realm that would be... awesome. Its possible Glenn may not want two death metal bands play the weekend so thats understandable. Plus, who knows what goes on behind the PPUSA curtain? Maybe EToS was difficult to work with and so Glenn isn't motivated to get them back on the roster anytime soon. Aether Realm will kill it either way, and 2021 is going to be an incredible festival. Anyone selling their tickets that doesn't have to is crazy. IMHO