Apr 3, 2004
Nashville, TN
I know, it is about time that i comment on the discs that i came home with this year at PP. I love to hear everyone's comments and reccomendations as well so please reply.

Circus Maximus - Isolate - Okay, I got their first cd and did not like it until i saw them live. came back to the first disc and it took a few spins and i loved it. still love the first one. the 2nd cd to me loses the symphony x feel and sees the band coming into their own. i think the vocals are amazing on this one. even better than on the debut. i do miss the power moments but overall i think i like this disc better. this one has taken time for me to get, but when it did, i loved it. also worth mentioning, the guitar solos are awesome on this one. He plays with such emotion but he also shreds. He plays with such emotion. All in all, great disc and will be spun frequently. Production is incredible. Bring em back to PP, they were awesome live.

Darkwater - Calling the Earth To Witness - heard so much hype about this and was interested. I have to say right now i am more of a power metal fan than progressive but i do enjoy some progressive. I do hear the similarity of Dreamscape but do not see any similarities to Evergrey. The production is great on this cd but this cd just does not do it for me. I find the songs to go on and on and it does nothing to interest me. Not a bad disc at all and i am sure the progressive fans love it. This was just not my cup of tea so i will move on.

Eden's Curse - Picked this one up after hearing one of their songs over the PA at PP. WOW, this one takes me back in time to the 80's metal. This band reminds me of Guradian, and Firehouse. The singer is a dead on for the singer for Firehouse. The music is fun and the melody is killer. This is not my type of metal anymore but i must say this is very well done. Any fans of Pink Cream 69 should buy this. Very catchy and a fun listen. The singer is fantastic for this type of music. Like I said, not my favorite but sure is a fun listen and will get spins when i am in that 80's mood.

MasterPlan II - I loved the previous discs with Jorn and from listening to everyone say that the new guy sounded a lot like Jorn, i had to buy it. Did I miss something, I don't think the new guy holds a candle to Jorn. He is okay but just doesn't add any flare or excitement to the songs. I was sorely disappointed in this disc. BORING, in my book.

Nightwish - Dark Passion Play - i was a fan of nightwish musically but i was not too happy with Tarja. loved her background vocals but did not like her lead vocals. did not know what to expect from the new singer. Popped this disc in and LOVE IT!!! What i like, new singer is more my taste. i like the "pop" she brings to the band. What I miss, she does not have the background vocals that tarja could pull off. The music is awesome, i love this disc and love their stuff with the new singer. I understand this is more or less a play so the keys and orchestra will be the biggest part. There is still plenty of crunch but I hope that on the new one, they really turn up the crunch like they have done before. MARCO - he just plain rules. I love this guy. I am very pleased with this new disc and the new singer, i like her better and this disc will get plenty of time in my player. Great production too.

Tarot - Crows Fly Black - since i like marco so much i decided i would see what his band was all about. I LOVE IT!! i love his style of singing. He sounds angry, anguished and really pissed off. When he slows it down, he has a great voice. This disc is very simplistic but crunchy as hell. I love this and this one will stay in the player a long time.

Primal Fear - New Religion - After seeing them live I had to have the disc. The disc does not disappoint at all. This is power metal fist in the air metal. I love this disc. Ralf is the man. I love his softer side. Fighting the Darkness is my favorite track on the cd. My only complaint about this cd is the production. The lead solos sound pretty bad and I think they need to beef up the guitars to make them a little more crunchy. This by no means takes away from this incredible disc. How is their older stuff?

Please comment.

Thank you,
Primal Fear - New Religion - After seeing them live I had to have the disc. The disc does not disappoint at all. This is power metal fist in the air metal. I love this disc. Ralf is the man. I love his softer side. Fighting the Darkness is my favorite track on the cd. My only complaint about this cd is the production. The lead solos sound pretty bad and I think they need to beef up the guitars to make them a little more crunchy. This by no means takes away from this incredible disc. How is their older stuff?

Please comment.

Thank you,

I haven't heard a "bad" PF disc yet, but I'm a huge fan of the S/T debut. You'll eventually want to purchase all of it. Ralf is Da' Man, has been since I first heard the early Gamma Ray stuff...