Promotions this weekend

TX Metal Cowboy

Picture Boy
Sep 25, 2004
College Station, TX
Well I posted posters this weekend around northern Houston. Specifically at Music Town, Shannon's Street Wear (skateboard shop), and a guitar store off Louetta! Also note that the newest issue of Explicitly Intense, 27, is now available which features Mindflow, Eternity Black, Six Minute Century, Dark Empire, Prymary, and Outworld in the Dawning of the Intense review column that I edit. There is also a quarter page add in the issue next to the Spheric Universe Experience interview.:headbang:
Exactly! You can thank Crystal for that one!

I also like putting my posters and fliers in vintage clothing stores, tattoo/piercing parlors, smoke shops, and the mom & pop restaurants that college kids frequent. Works everytime! Also I like handing out fliers at public events that aren't associated with one venue in particular, like street fairs, city festivals, etc.. No restrictions for fliering!
I am going to get some small flyers made up and hand them out pretty much everywhere I go. I am going to hit the tattoo shops and guitar shops here in College Station this weekend.
I also like putting my posters and fliers in vintage clothing stores, tattoo/piercing parlors, smoke shops, and the mom & pop restaurants that college kids frequent. Works everytime! Also I like handing out fliers at public events that aren't associated with one venue in particular, like street fairs, city festivals, etc.. No restrictions for fliering!

Aww hell... excellent places. Damn.
I am going to get some small flyers made up and hand them out pretty much everywhere I go. I am going to hit the tattoo shops and guitar shops here in College Station this weekend.
I like to do the same, always have some 4-ups (the quarter-sheet hand flyers) on me because you just never know... Thanks for all the hard work with the promoting! This is exactly what we need you for the most!! W00t!! :kickass:

Aww hell... excellent places. Damn.
Hey, I'm a genius! I guess that's whats got me in this in the first place :lol: