Question about Good Metal Websites


New Metal Member
Mar 1, 2002
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I would like to know if anyone has any suggestions for quality websites that are good for general metal needs. Basically, I am looking for more places to spend reading metal reviews, editorials, interviews, etc. relating to metal as whole, meaning power through prog through death through black. I just want another site to view that talks all things metal. So far I frequent only one site, being "" (And this one of course).....I went to other metal sites ( example) and found many unsatisfactory because I am greedy for metal knowledge and the ones I read either didn't offer multiviewpoint reviews, at least once a week updates, and other stuff that I just can't live without. I am just wondering if anyone knows about, or works for :) a killer metal website.

P.S. This is my first post after progpower and, although undbelievably late, I'd like to say that it was the most amazing, kick ass, concert I have ever been was also a big step on the journey metal is making to take over the wolrd. I saw BG in Chicago "Last December" 7th and they also dominated. This year has truly been the best year in metal that I can remember.