Question for the IPod Gurus


Jul 26, 2002
Just cracked the screen on my old as Creative Zen, still works but watching movies kinda sucks now.

Was thinking of a refurb 32GB 4th Gen Touch 64GB would be nice but still pretty expensive for refurbs. Thoughts, should I wait till the 5th gens come out, how much space are you chewing up with apps/games right now?
I got an iPod touch 4th gen, 32gb. I wish it was a 64gb, but that's cause I want movies, games and music on it. That being said, it is the best gadget I have ever purchased.
I have a 32gb touch and it works great for me. I don't have any movies I have put on it or pictures so just music and a few apps. I have about 3.2gb free at the moment so just see what you want to do.
I'd get the 64 GB....apps you can control but it will fill up fast with movies and tunes. I ended up getting an iPad for movies, Kindle, etc so I just filled the touch up with music and left it in the car. Putting movies on an iDevice can be a hassle, you have to convert them to MP4 format "just so" or they won't play, although there is an app for iPad where you can play AVI.
I would stay with a Zen instead of switching to an iPod. You will not be tied to software such as iTunes and will be able to do all that you could with your old Zen.

Apple limits you too much and until they allow you to expand memory with an SD card, I want nothing to do with them.
Trust me I'm no fan of iTunes, its not installed on my computer and there are 3 ipods in the house now, none mine. The kids use their friends computers to install apps on their first gen touches and I use Media Monkey to dump music to their devices now. Even with that Ipods still require 2 services running on the PC to allow me to connect to Media Monkey. I really wish they made an iTunes lite app that wasn't as bloated and just took care of the base functionality, but I think in the end I may have to cave in and install it on my pc and just deal with it. Rather than own a number of computers I used one box for everything which includes my music recording so I'm always hesitant to install apps that have a number of services running in the background.

Ideally I would opt for the Zune but I'm really pissed that MS didnt do anything with the unit. Hardware was awesome, Tegra chipset, HD video out and potential for great games, but they didnt build up an app store for it and do much with it. What sucks is MS had a promo vid showing off the Windows phone as being something that can interface with a 360 and Kinect, not that its an actual product but its out there as a concept, its something that could have been done with a zune as well. I havent checked to see if one can be rooted to run Android on it that might be an option.

The current Zens are ok but really but nothing really up to today's gadget standards. The only mp3 players that seem to remotely compare to touch are the Zune, Samsung, Cowon, and Archos units. Those units all have a few things going against them, the only unit that kind of appeals to me is the Samsung Galaxy S 5, its a hybrid between a tablet and a media player, 5" screen, Android 2.2 so it would be larger than a touch however its screen res isnt as good as a touch and with it be a larger display its going to be more noticable and its not release yet.

I have a $100 gift card for Best Buy thinking of going in there getting $100 gift card for Apple (+ the 11.50 in tax thank you very much) and then getting a refurbed unit through the Apple site. Probably going to get the 32GB, dont know. Still kinda up in the air.
Not sure which way I would go if I didn't do the Apple thing. My first thing would probably be to go with something that supported FLAC, since all my CDs are ripped to FLAC, and it would be easy. I hate that Apple had to do their own lossless format....why? There were already several good choices out at the time. Things like Ogg I don't really care about.

The Cowon units are supposedly the best sounding units out there if you're hard core about quality. The biggest problem I have is the size of the storage on them. I like a lot of music with me.

To be honest, even though I have a very large capacity iPod Classic, it gets left home all the time now. Once I got my iPhone, I started finding myself only wanting a single device with me, and I end up using the music on it 95% of the time. I do wish it was 64GB, but I live with 32GB. I guess it's more my "new music" unit, with the remaining storage full of old favorites. I've never put movies or TV on any device, since I just don't like watching small screen like that. I think the thing that sells me on the devices are the apps. I don't use a ton of apps, but the few I use I use a lot, and if I went to anything else, I'd loose that functionality. When I see something better come down the pipe, I'll look at it, but I think that's a long way off.
I like the good ole iPod Classic because of the hard drive. These 32 or 64 GB flash based devices aren't enough (seriously). Not a huge fan of Apple products in general, but right now it's the largest capacity wise.

Though I do wonder how much longer Apple will cling to the iPod Classic until they give it up completely. They haven't given it very much TLC lately cuz of the iPhone, iPad, etc. Too much bloat for what I need.
I like the good ole iPod Classic because of the hard drive. These 32 or 64 GB flash based devices aren't enough (seriously). Not a huge fan of Apple products in general, but right now it's the largest capacity wise.

Though I do wonder how much longer Apple will cling to the iPod Classic until they give it up completely. They haven't given it very much TLC lately cuz of the iPhone, iPad, etc. Too much bloat for what I need.

The flash players will eventually catch up in size. Just 5 years ago the biggest iPod classic was 60gb.
The major problem with the disk based players is simply the hardware is more prone to complications from being jostled around. Bloatware on flash based players is another issue though. It seems like Apple is trying to keep the Nano as a basic mp3 player with a few added features. The latest revision actually removed a lot of the features the previous one had.
I hear you about having a hard drive in the units, but I've had a handful of them over the years, and beat the shit out of them, and never had a failure in that way. The screen went on one, and I've even thought about getting a screen off Ebay, but the whole body is pretty beat up. Plus only 60GB.

Considering they are putting tiny 128GB and 256GB flash based drives in the Macbook Air, maybe we'll see a migration to that over time. I do feel like the Classics days are numbered, if only because Apple would rather sell you something you have to buy apps for.

When they discontinued the 160GB before, I went out and bought a couple of them, fearing the last high-capacity iPods were gone forever. Then they came back with them again.... Obviously they see that there is a market for enthusiasts who bring large collections with them. I lost one, gave another away as a gift, but if they discontinue them again, I'd probably do the same. At least till I can hold a 256GB Touch in my hand....

The main reason I like the classics, is that I don't like always having to look at the screen to operate it. I really do like the interface on the Touch and can do a lot more with it, but I hate that you can't operate it by feel in your pocket like I can a classic.
80Gb classic's been through a lot, including being left in the car in 90-degree heat and temps down to 15F, completely full of music, and still going strong. I use it sometimes as a backup on WREKage. :headbang:
80Gb classic's been through a lot, including being left in the car in 90-degree heat and temps down to 15F, completely full of music, and still going strong. I use it sometimes as a backup on WREKage. :headbang:
So I ended up getting the 32GB Touch, 4th gen.

I dont have too much music on it, 16GB and then I have about 3 Gig of apps so far, that includes the file space taken by comic books on it. Didnt think reading comics on a ipod touch would work but they do. At this point I havent installed any videos on the unit then again I'm so occupied with reading comics and playing games I dont need any vids.

I'm considering a Jailbreak on it and installing VLC so I can watch most of my movies on it.