Questions for Fredrik Nordström (Dream Evil)?

Of all the records you produced, what are you most proud of?

How has the decline of album sales in the music industry affected the way you work as a producer?

Are there any up and coming/newer producers that inspire you at all or do you just do your own thing?

Do you feel like working with Bring Me The Horizon on their last several albums has allowed for, or will allow for, a whole new pool of bands to become interested in working with you?
In the Book of Heavy Metal Video - how did the idea of the costume come up for the drummer.. the name escapes me at the moment. It might be song related but I don't pay attention to lyrics 95% of the time.

Who sang the "I am his wife" line in Made of Metal?

Whats plans do Dream Evil have for say the next two years?
how do you feel about finally getting the call to play ProgPower USA?
In the Book of Heavy Metal Video - how did the idea of the costume come up for the drummer.. the name escapes me at the moment. It might be song related but I don't pay attention to lyrics 95% of the time.

Snowy Shaw
What does he love about power metal? Here's a guy who has worked in various styles, so why did he chose to write and perform power metal?