Quote of the weekend: Make-up tips from Voyager.

Paul LaPlaca

Jul 28, 2011
Voyager Bassist: "Hemorrhoid cream is good for the wrinkles around your eyes."

Me: "Uhmm..."

Christina Ricciardi: "It's made for hemmorrhoids, not out of them!"

Quote of the weekend??? Forbidden's singer... "Welcome to powerprog... progpower... thrash power!!" ;)
1) My Friend Scott "Haken's set was like my love life complicated and a lot of wanking"

2) Fri there are a dozen or so at the rail, SwordLord yells out "can I have everyone’s attention, Please ladies and gentleman, obviously Center Stage can not afford a new curtain, so I am going to pass around a hat and collect donations to buy them a new one, please donate as you see fit"
Not a quote…but I did see a priceless (and very bewildered) expression on the face of the houskeeping supervisor at the Residence as she wandered through the third floor with her clipboard on Friday, only to realize that almost every single room had a “Do Not Disturb” sign out – a few minutes before noon!

I'm sure she had been ready to chew her staff out for slacking! :lol:
Another Voyager quote:

Me: So, do you need the wine to help yourself deal with the long trip here?

Daniel: Thank you for reminding me. * takes a swig from the bottle *
Gonzo's friend Kat- "You'll be providing the METAL aide for the weekend!"

Me to Shaye: I have to use the restroom.
A few seconds later I return:
Shaye: Well that was fast.
Me: Yeah I found this cool trick. When you open the woman's door to the bathroom it says "HEEEEEYYYYY!"

"Usually I need more beer in me before I get in bed with another woman!"

"My phone auto corrects Gonzo to hmmmm. "

"Be very careful in the closet, there's a slab of Metal on the floor."

Alecia:It's 2 45 am.
Me: I wonder if Therion is still playing?

Talking with a guy I met who said he wanted to join me in the bubble wrap. I explained I'd already done it he said he'd go naked:
Me: Yeah, drop it then.
He disrobes from the waist down.
Me (not breaking eye contact and deadpan): Ok, pull it back up.

Apparently you can walk in the bar with out a shirt but you can't get a beer after 7 am! -Rudy from Creations End

Leah: We should get some Jelly
(Withheld for protection): Jelly, two guys, two girls, man sounds like a good time to me.

"It was the dumbest move I ever let my penis make."-David

"So what's this FROG festival?" -Dr at the ER

"I tried to explain I was at a concert, but they sent me home with a bunch of AA pamphlets!" - Doug

And of course the quote of the weekend! SURPRISE BUTT SEX!

Met-Al was poking Shaye with the inflatable sword he got from Powerglove
Shaye: Stop that.
Al: What? Don't you want some inflatable anal sex?
(Lance King, in the background, proceeds to crack up)
Al: You just stick it in and blow!

And there was something to do with Rain coming up with a new sexual positing regarding reverse robo-grip, earth-shaker, but no one, not even Rain, can remember what exactly it was he came up with. Rain's comment: "I don't even remember what the heck I just said!"
"Woo! I'm so fucking stoned right now." *wanders off* - some guy standing on the floor before either Haken or While Heaven Wept. He didn't even say it to anyone in particular.

"Damn traffic lights, don't they know we have alcohol to go drink?" - a woman I was talking with as we headed back to the Artmore from seeing Therion.
"I just got tongue-raped!" - Norm Skinner.
"My 12-year-old self goes 'yep, checked that one off'" - Jim Hunter from WHW.

"So, you guys are like some sort of bizarre drunk photo stalkers?" - Dave
"Yeah, but not in a bad way" - Jacki
I ran into Rudj from Eldritch in the hallway of the Artmore on Friday morning. We're friends on Facebook, so I went up to say hello. He doesnt speak a lot of English which made this exchange sooo funny to me

Me: Hi Rudy nice to meet you, my name is Matt

Rudj: (with a look of surprise, a big smile, and in a VERY thick Italian accent) "Matta Viceeeenteeeey, YESSS!!! I reMEMber!"

You had to be there! Bless his heart he was so nice!
"It smelled like ASSSS up in there. ASSSS!!!"
