R.I.P. Don Decker


Metal Mistress
Feb 4, 2006
Baltimore, MD - USA
Don Decker, member of Anal Blast and president of the Midwest's 5 State regional chapter of the N.Y.D.M. community, passed away at 2:17 am of kidney failure which he had been battling the past several years. He may have seemed like a bit of an asshole, and he was, but Don was also a great wonderful guy! Don, I hope you are enjoying the party in Valhalla! Hails to a great metalhead! You will be missed by the metal community you leave behind. :headbang:


For those of you not familiar with Don, here's a link to an interview with him from July 2008:
I don't recall actually meeting him in person, although I may have and didn't know it. But a friend of mine named Creighton, who used to do a radio show with me on KFAI, used to talk about him and a guy named Ed, and Nightfall Records. Their used to be these meetings for the Metal community in the Twin Cities he would hold. Perhaps it is that "N.Y.D.M." you refer to.

Creighton had mixed things to say about him, but I never knew he had Cancer (nor did I know Earl Root did, and I KNEW him personally for many years).

Always sad to see someone whose passionate about music I enjoy pass away. Hopefully he's in a better place now. RIP.
I don't recall actually meeting him in person, although I may have and didn't know it. But a friend of mine named Creighton, who used to do a radio show with me on KFAI, used to talk about him and a guy named Ed, and Nightfall Records. Their used to be these meetings for the Metal community in the Twin Cities he would hold. Perhaps it is that "N.Y.D.M." you refer to.

Creighton had mixed things to say about him, but I never knew he had Cancer (nor did I know Earl Root did, and I KNEW him personally for many years).

Always sad to see someone whose passionate about music I enjoy pass away. Hopefully he's in a better place now. RIP.

He didn't have cancer, his kidneys shut down.
Last time I interacted with him, he was going through my purse! :bah: Yep, a total jerk - in a very fun-loving way. He helped Nathan get his start with producing concerts in the area, so we both owe him a great deal of thanks.

If there are any memorial/tribute/fund-raising shows, which surely there will be, the dates will be posted here.
I remember meeting him at the Nightfall Records storefront some years back-- it was on one of my MSP hauling excursions (we always visited Nightfall after The Root Cellar-- R.I.P. Earl, too).

A classic sign in the doorway-- "Open Holidays-- Because We Hate them".

Anyway, we walked in and noticed a slight smell of BO; we realized it was coming from the college-house-esque stained couch behind the counter, which also had some sketchy looking blankets on it-- it most definitely was Decker's home(?) away from home. A large garbage can sat next to it, filled with empty Rolling Rock bottles...
I first met Don Decker in August of 2002 when he came into my theatre, the Plaza Maplewood, to see Scooby Doo with his girlfriend and his girlfriend's daughter. He was wearing a Jersey MetalFest t-shirt which immediately sparked up a conversation between the two of us. Instead of watching the movie, he sat out in the lobby with me and we talked about everything metal and he told me about his promotions. Contact information was exchanged and before I knew it, I was producing my very first heavy metal show - Blind Guardian & Symphony X - which premiered at Station 4 on December 9, 2002.

When I showed up to that show, I was wearing my trademark black leather gauntlets. Decker looked at me with that growly look he had perfected to an art and then broke into a creepy smile. He said, "Whoa, you show up to a power metal show in black leather gauntlets? You're the SwordLord - that's your new nickname!" It stuck. Within a month, I was known as The SwordLord - "Swords" to Decker, "The Lord of All Swords" by Earl Root and a whole host of other derivatives. Decker basically single-handedly established my persona in the metal community which helped pave the way for everything that has followed since.

To say that Don Decker was a difficult person to get a long with would be the understatement of the year. It's no mystery that Decker was a conflicted individual, was prone to violent mood swings and was very angry at just about everything.

What I can say about Decker is that he was fiercely loyal to those who stood by him and to those who flew the metal flag. In this business that is filled with treachery, deceit and "smiling salesman" (as Decker used to call them) - Decker was 100% honest and never took a dime that didn't belong to him. Decker stood up for the little bands and made sure that locals always had a spot to open before a national legend. (To this day, Decker remains one of the very, very few Minnesota promoters that put locals on national bills.) And of course, Decker's loyalty to metal and the passion he had for the music he loved was equivalent to the religious fervor of any religous zealot. He loved metal and loved being in the business. He woke up every morning doing what he loved and how many people can actually truly say that and not lie their ass off?

I wouldn't be in the metal promotion business if it had not been for Don Decker. Everything I am today is because of his guidance and instruction. I argue with anyone who takes issue with Decker's business strategies - he once told me, "Swords, rule #1 in the promotion business is that no matter how bad the show goes, the talent never gets fucked. Rule #2 is see Rule #1. " I have never forgotten that and it has served me well.

I will miss Don. If the local scene had 100 guys as loyal and as fierce about the music as he was, no promoter would ever go red on a show. And if this country had 100 promoters with Don's passion, the music business would be in far better shape than it is.

Rest in Peace, my metal brother. I have been and always will be your friend and protege'. You lived more in your short life than many people will in a life twice as long. May you find the eternal peace and rest that you richly deserve.

Nathan "The SwordLord" Block

I knew Don Decker through Nightfall Records when he had a storefront here in Chicago on Lawrence avenue and Pulaski. I used to help them out with inventory every week. What Swordlord said was right on. Decker was a character, but that was Decker! As soon as I started helping the store out (inventory/ working when the main guy needed to go to a show etc) he was fiercely loyal to me. Scary he was on the outside, he was a big bear on the inside. He actually got me in the Cradle Of Filth show at The Riviera on their first USA tour and then got the band back to the store for an autograph session. I still have nightmares about Nick Barker running down the middle of Lawrence avenue with his pants wrapped around his ankles. Decker was a good guy. RIP brother!:headbang::headbang::headbang:
I had no idea he had a connection with Nightfall Records.
I went in that store a couple of times, but the majority of the inventory didn't really appeal to me, so I stopped going.

I only know of this guy from seeing Anal Blast.
I loved their "Anal of Blast" Cradle of Filth style shirt! Good stuff!

Always sad to hear of someone's passing.
Sounds like from what I am hearing he partied heavily.
Lesson learned....moderation!

SwordLord - Nice write up. You are definitely a passionate individual.

Q - You worked at a record store? I NEVER knew that!!! :)
I found this post completely by accident, in a search for prog power forums... This being long after Don has now has passed....and because I was unable to make it to his send off, I feel it's the time for me to post my regards to Don.

Don was always a rather imposing figure, I first met him in 1988-or 1989...at the premier metal venue of the day THE MIRAGE in Minneapolis, when I was playing a show with GEMINI, or perhaps it was during the day when I was in the venue to talk to the owner for something....I actually don't remember...for sure it was both, I just have the linear aspects of it confused.

Don while approachable was somewhat of a dark presence, and he liked that persona. It was his thing... Especially in the early days, he intentionally would leave comments open and cut them off before finishing a statement in order to let your mind wander... and wonder just what he was going to say, usually to a very dark conclusion. It was sort of strange, but I think he enjoyed the reactions...

Don was doing "Original" metal metalfests with local bands all the way back then, at The Mirage & First Avenue the two largest and dare I say coolest venues of the day.

In fact Don was the guy that introduced me to Nathan at a Symphony X concert they promoted together... I believe it was somewhere in the time of 2002... but Nathan and I never connected until after he caught the first festival appearance for PYRAMAZE at John McGovern's first metal fest in Minneapolis. Nathan immediately lavished the band after the show by taking us all out to breakfast at Perkins, he seemed to be the epitome of enormous metal fan, and he seemed to really have enjoyed our show. We reconnected and have been great friends ever since.

Dekker seemed to mellow in his age a bit though this was an on and off kind of thing at his discretion...He and I did some business and he is actually one of only a handful of people I've let into my home. His mentality was one of respect for anyone trying to push metal and he seemed quite impressed with my stash of goodies, and spent a good part of a day here looking for gold nuggets of metallic love to share with his minions.

I did witness him tear a guy limb from limb verbally once in front of Station 4, when the guy showed his ignorance and was being disrespectful of another band or musician. He brutally word bashed this guy for about 15 minutes for making disparaging comments about someone Dekker obviously knew and respected. Clearly in an attempt to teach this young buck some manors by shear fear... It was actually pretty harsh but it came from a good place in a strange Don Dekker kind of way.

I wasn't close to Don, but when I heard of his illness, I just wrote the slate clean on an invoice from his day of shopping at my place, I knew he would pay it, he was very honest when it came to paying his debts for metal, he was surprised, and I think honored by this.... and eventually accepted my gift. I just couldn't ask him for the remaining balance when I knew he didn't have much and he had some rather large hospital bills coming in increasing numbers... several days in the Hospital, on several occasion for a guy I was almost positive didn't have any insurance.

So this one is for you Don.... a hearty metal cry, may it echo otherworldly to wherever you are on the other side....likly in Vahalla.....METAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL

I met Shawn before he was promoting. He was running a kegger party house in north minneapolis and selling weed. We became pretty close friends. I was in Soilent Green at the time and he dug our first demo and live shows. He was persistent about his love for the scene and getting into promoting. He wasn't a dick back then he was a big teddy bear. We eventually roomed together in South MPLS and opened another kegger house on Pleasant St. with local live bands playing in the basement and still selling weed. He was starting to promote larger venue shows by then and having some success but still needed front money to get the shows going. At one point he saved my ass from prison as a cop tried to entrap me with an offer I couldn't refuse of unlimited sheets of acid at a price I couldn't refuse. Decker came along for the first meeting, took a look at the dude, and sniffed out this cop in 2 seconds and kept me from ending up on the wrong path in life... That scared the shit out of me and I backed off the ledge of drug dealing turning to a legit career after the music scene dried up. Our relationship ended abruptly with me being a belligerent asshole starting drunken fight with him. I never did make amends so I'll do it here. Shawn I miss you man sorry how things ended and hope you're slamming hard where ever you ended up.. RIP