Ragnarokkr 2014: AXXION


Sep 30, 2005
From Canada comes the next Ragnarokkr act....AXXION. I am stoked to finally see them perform. Thier EP was fantastic and looking forward to thier new on on High Roller this summer. This should be thier first US show unless they play some before the festival. I am sure our canadian brothers have seen them before. Will be nothing short of amazing.

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even better....now if I could get another canadian act on second stage...hhmmmmm.

Cromlech from Toronto. I haven't listened to them yet, but they describe themselves as "the antithesis to all that is trivial and banal in heavy metal. Thunderous drumming, extended dual guitar melodies, and song crafting on a truly epic scale sets Cromlech apart in a genre plagued by generic rock clichés and fashion conscious hipsters."
I have that Cromlech demo. It's got some cool parts but they've got some work ahead of them. Worth checking out though. I think they had a link to their demo on their Facebook page at one point. Sounds like they skipped a few rehearsals before recording too, haha
but they describe themselves as "the antithesis to all that is trivial and banal in heavy metal. Thunderous drumming, extended dual guitar melodies, and song crafting on a truly epic scale sets Cromlech apart in a genre plagued by generic rock clichés and fashion conscious hipsters."

So in other words they are probably NOT pals of AXXION?