Rank the Chastain albums


Jan 10, 2002
Madison, WI
1) The 7th of Never

This is easily my favorite guitar hero power/traditional metal release ever, and it makes my overall list of all-time faves. Such a killer album. The title track has one of the best riffs evah.


2) For Those Who Dare

This is nowhere near the quality of The 7th of Never, but it is a good genre release and was a pleasant surprise after the disappointing The Voice of the Cult.

3) Ruler of the Wasteland

I did not get into this back in the day, but I came to appreciate it in the Internet Age.

I do not care for the others, although certainly Mystery of Illusion and The Voice of the Cult are more enjoyable than the post-For Those Who Dare albums.
I'm pretty much a fan of everything Leather has done with Chastain, and probably couldn't rank the cds she appeared on.

The Kate French releases are cool too.....

I still need to hear his Southern gentlemen stuff....
1. The Seventh of Never. Chastain wrote so many great riffs in his time on Shrapnel records. This was the plateau.

2. The Voice of the Cult. Child of Evermore and the title song...relentless! Unfortunately, this was also the beginning of the end.

3. Ruler of the Wasteland. This was where the band started developing into a solid brand name for me. The CJSS releases and the debut were fair, this was the start of a nice 5 disc run including the instrumental discs

4. For those Who Dare. If Barracuda wasn't here I might rank it a tad higher...horrible horrible choice of a cover song!

5.Mystery of Illusion. I had to go back and pull out the cassette just to remember if I had it. Its been that long!!!

Bonus stuff

1987-David T Chastain 'Instrumental Variations' Loved this cd when it came out...still toss it in from time to time

1991-David T Chastain 'Elegant Seduction' A step below Variations

Everything after 1991 was a step below. The music wasn't as inspired as Chastain started exploring with his guitar playing. It seemed like he was just putting every single thing, good or bad, onto his discs...if it was recorded it was released,

Overall, David Chastain was one of my early guitar heroes. Shrapnel records did an awesome job finding and releasing some great discs back in the day. Chastain, Joey Tafolla, Vinnie Moore, Tony MacAlpine etc...
Shrapnel records did an awesome job finding and releasing some great discs back in the day. Chastain, Joey Tafolla, Vinnie Moore, Tony MacAlpine etc...

When did it end for you? I think the first Darren householder & Michael Lee Firkins cds were it for me. Everything after that was straight down a VERY steep hill.....i.e. Stephen Ross.......LOL

I do have to say that I dissed the first 2 Bumblefoot cds at that time, and now they are amonst my favorites. Nothing was worse, however than Scott Stine & the Criminey cds.....I still have them, I should put them on e-bay for a buck....
When did it end for you? I think the first Darren householder & Michael Lee Firkins cds were it for me. Everything after that was straight down a VERY steep hill.....i.e. Stephen Ross.......LOL

The last truly great disc from Shrapnel before they became so hit and miss for me was...Apocrypha Area 54. Great great disc...huge dropoff after this. I think I bought 15-20 more over the course of a few years in the mid 90's (Tafolla "Infra Blue" was a huge dissapointment!, Greg Howe, Haji's Kitchen, Richie Kotzen, Artension etc...) but for all intents and purposes it was over.
LOL Stephen Ross was bad! Darren Householder and the Night Ranger dude were awful too!
i am biased.
