Recording hihat


Boob inspector
Jun 10, 2002
Stockholm, Sweden
I recently started micing the hihat during drum recording.. I never did it before mostly because I didn't have enough channels & mics (oh yeah I'm a noob). I've always been relying on the OH's to catch the hihat work but MAN this is SO much better. The drum recording feel a lot more alive and the hihat really shines through all the cymbals. In my last session I user a MXL2003 underneath the hat close to the middle (to minimize movement of air around the mic) and was pleased with the result.

Do you rely on the OH's or are you micing the hihats? Any hints, tips (eq, compression)?
Add a foam collar around the hihat mic and aim it away from the snare to minimize leakage. Same thing the other way around, like this:

Add a foam collar around the hihat mic and aim it away from the snare to minimize leakage. Same thing the other way around, like this:


Would this not give you a build up of too much high freq unless you slid the foam a couple inches back from the mic cap?
I would think it'd be a buildup of low frequencies, actually, cuz the foam absorbs the highs, rather than reflecting them...
Yea you could be right about the foam alright its just if i cup my sm57 with my hand around the cap it traps way more high freq same thing as when your listening to music and you cup your hands around your ears it traps the highs makes them more prominent think it has something to do with high freq being more directional than lows. But if the foam absorbs the highs its all good i should think still worth a/b ing though il try next time im tracking drums.