Redemption Tour Update.. no shows outside CA


Mrs. Harvester
Staff member
Feb 17, 2009
Update from Nick Van Dyk of Redemption and confirmation that PPUSA XIII will be the only show outside of CA for 2012. Don't miss out - one day tickets are now on sale via Ticketmaster:

Hello folks! Nick here, just checking in. We're looking forward to Progpower this fall and hope to see many of you there -- this will be our only show in 2012 outside of California! Meanwhile, I was writing some new music but a recent operation on my index finger to cut out some skin cancer (itself a result of the medicines I'm on, most likely) has left me bandaged for a few weeks. So that's on hold until after our show, most likely, but I look forward to getting back into writing once I have the use of my hand!

Be well, and thanks as always for your interest and support!

I'll be seeing them at PP, but I'm hoping they tour the States in 2013. I can't get enough of these guys!!!
I was travelling the last couple of days, so I brought This Mortal Coil along to play in the rental car. I think that I listened to it 5 times in a row. For me, it is a very power album, both sonically and emotionally:worship:. Having met Nick a couple of times, only makes it seem even more special. Can't wait to see them in September.